View Full Version : "HOW TO" incubus camd 0.70

09-03-09, 17:24
mai jos o sa va explic cum setam pe incubuscamd ca client la server cccam si la server newcs la aceas timp.

Avem o carta de NOVA in newcs si doi linii pt doi diferite server CCCAM.

Config e asa

# incubusCamd configuration file #
# All configuration options in this file observe the same format: #
# <configuration_name>=<configuration_value> #
# #
# Each section are [<section_name>:<option_1>:<option_x>] like. #
# #
# No matter about white spaces on any place or UNIX/DOS style files #
########################### general configuration ############################
# Enable (1) or disable (0) background execution
# 0 - Off
# 1 - On
# This sets the level of console output for debugging:
# 0 - No debug messages, 1 - First level debug messages, 2 - Second level debug messages,
# 3 - Print all debug messages
# This option enables (1) or disables (0) the writing of debug information to the
# console.
# This option enables (1) or disables (0) the writing of console output to a log file
# When log_to_file is set to 1, this is the path and filename to write console
# ouput to.
# Used to activate on-screen messages. Username and password required if
# HTTP authentication is enabled on enigma.
#When activated, camd will listen on the specified port for connections. All
#log activity will be broadcast in real-time to connected clients.
############################ caid configuration ##############################
# First of all the cam use the incubusCamd.prio file, then use the
# configuration below.
# Sections are defined by the value of the CaID.
# You can choose the default ecm table used by the codify, this means that
# you can choose the first byte of the raw ecm that is downloaded from sat.
# If you don't know what value to insert, use "80". (all value are in hex)
# Default value for ecm_table is 0x80.
# The option "priority" tells if one caid should be selected before try
# another one with a priority value greater.
# The less is the value the greatest is the priority. Choose from "0" to any value,
# priority value is decimal.
########################### provider configuration ###########################
# All parameters are in hexadecimal notation.
# Each section is defined by the provider id value.
# If you don't know the provider id value then use the provider id "000000" and ca id "0000".
# On provider 000000 caid 0000 goes all provider wich are not declared. If the provider
# is declared then the cam will use the provider founded.
[Prov:000000:CaID:0604] #Aici la CaID trebuie sa pune ce CaID arata la newcs de exemplu pt irdeto punem 0604 pt conax 0b00.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# URL of card-server to use, formats are as follows:
# newcamd://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<des_key>
# aroureos://@<hostname>:<port>
# radegast://@<hostname>:<port>
newcamd://abipbox:1234@ #Aici trecem pe linia care avem de la newcs adica abipox e username,1234 e password iar e adresa locala unde e cartela daca e in alte parte il punem cu xxx.dyndns.org
# Example:
# #newcamd://foo:bar@
# Multiple card-server url's can be specified for server fail-over.
# If the emu fails to connect or fails to get valid CW's, it will try to
# connect to other servers in a round-robin fashion.
# Up to 16 servers can be added from index 0 to 15.
# You can choose also to select a cccam or gbox server, but they must be declared
# in the "servers configuration" section ( [Servers] ).
# e.g. : if you want to use a cccam server for a provider you must put it on
# the parameter card_server_url_0=cccam://
# NO MATTER the value after the double slash because server configuration is
# made in the section [Servers].
# Only for newcamd, radegast and aroureos is usefull to put correct connection
# parameters because they are provider dependent.
# Example i want to use mine card into the slot with newcs for prov 0501 on nagra3 (caid 1833)
[Prov:000000:CaID:0604] # Aici iar corectam pe CaID cu asta care are cartela noastra,fiti atenti daca punem 0000 o sa cere pt orice provider key din carta noastra si rezultatul o sa fie sa pica server.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Multiple card-server url's can be specified for server fail-over.
# If the emu fails to connect or fails to get valid CW's, it will try to
# connect to other servers in a round-robin fashion.
# Up to 16 servers can be added from index 0 to 15.
# URL of card-server to use, formats are as follows:
# newcamd://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<des_key>/[EMM]
# aroureos://@<hostname>:<port>/[EMM]
# radegast://@<hostname>:<port>/[EMM]
card_server_url_2=newcamd://abipbox:1234@ # aici completam iar pe username si password care avem de la newcs,daca dorim sa face update la cartela adaugam si pe /EMM si face update singura cartela fara sa fie nevoie sa folosim alte emu.Fiti atenti card_server_url_2 sa fie 2 si daca avem si alte cartele il punem cu 2,3,4,5,6 etc.
[Prov:000000:CaID:0000] # aici trebuie sa fie si Prov si CaID 0000 ca sa cere de la cccam toate cartele diferit o sa cere un anumita cartela.
# this provider is a stand-in for all cards and all caid not declared previously
# For example I choose to use cccam protocol on all other provider.
card_server_url_1=cccam://mutare:palako@dolo.dyndns.com:12000 # Aici scrim pe server care avem pt cccam,primul server e local iar al doila e din alte parte.
########################### servers configuration ############################
# This is the section for the multi-server configuration.
# URL of card-server to use, formats are as follows:
# cccam://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<receive_emu_shared>/[EMM]
# where <receive_emu_shared> should assume value "yes" (without quotes, if you like to receive emus data shared by the server) or "no" (this is assumed by default)
# gbox://<localhost>:<localport>:<password>@<peer_address>:<peer_port>:<peer_pass>/[EMM]
# NOTE: The "EMM" suffix is optional and tells the card-server client whether
# to send EMM's to the card-server or not. Enabling or disabling this only
# has effect if the card-server is configured to accept emms from this client.
# NOTE 2: The "card_server_url" is not the same as previously declared in the prov/caid section
# use how many server as you like
card_server_url=cccam://mutare:palako@dolo.dyndns.com:12000 #Aici scrim inca o data pe servers care avem.ATENTIE mare fara numar 0,1,2,3 dupa card_server_url=cccam://

Sper ca am ajutat pe cine nu stie!La mine functioneaza perfect si amindoi server cccam si carta care e la newcs.Special carta care e la newcs acuma e mai stabila si nu pica deloc fata de combinatie mbox/newcs.

09-03-09, 17:42
Inca nu am reusit pt ei care au doi sloturi de exemplu ipbox sa pun amindoi linii newcs sa merge.Daca vrea sa da un sfat cineva astept!

09-03-09, 19:53
Din pacate nu am reusit sa fac update la cartela cu EMM activat.O sa alarmez pt problema asta pe baietii.

09-03-09, 20:59
pe E2 Sifteam a incercat cineva ?

09-03-09, 21:46






asa trebuie sa arate

10-03-09, 08:53
oke, sa inteleg ca merge bine doar cu cccam? eu am incercat cu newcamd si nu merge :( cu gbox/mbox nici nu am mai incercat ca nu avea sens :)
cccam este tata/mama emulatoarelor, sau de ce il cauta toti?

10-03-09, 12:57
Cel putin la mine cu 3 linii cccam si o cartela din newcs merge.Dar la anumite provider pica incubus si trebuie sa il dai restart.Idea e ca suntem la drumul bun....Astept pe urmatoare versiuna!