View Full Version : E2 Rsp 2.01 TDT 884

06-03-09, 19:21
E2_RSP_2.01_TDT884 (http://www.filefactory.com/file/af39gf9/n/E2_RSP_2_01_TDT884_rar)

Stick Image for Kathrein UFS-910 1w or 14w

Imagine de stick pentru Kathrein UFS-910 variantele de 14w si 1w

RSP menu on RED button.

Meniul RSP este pe ROSU
Ce era pe rosu e logic : pe play

Fast zaping
You should keep AC3 downmix ON for stability
It doesn't scan very well. It has a very good list (42E-30W).
We will have frequently updated lists made by EnF70 which you can download from RSP Panel

Zapping-ul este remarcabil la acesta imagine.
Inca e bine sa mentineti AC3 downmix ON pentru stabilitate.
Nu scaneaza bine (astra 28 e dezastru la scanare), are deja o lista buna de canale in ea asa ca merge.
O sa avem liste la zi "made by ENF70" asa ca momentan e ok si asa (stau de TDT sa rezolve problema cu scanatu,
provine de la ultimul upgrade la e2 de DM800 din 9 februarie)


PicturePlayer is now hardware-accellerated, currently only jpg support and no thumbnails available picture is always stretched to full screen
Disable stop of polling on CI cams (i know this will make slower E2, but many cams need it like standard require)
Added usb-serial converter support (pl2303, ftdi_sio)
avi h264 support. xvid 720p support.
fix + mv id3tag to eplayer
avi x264 support
Update VFD-Icons crypt symbol and on playback of recordings and mediafiles the play symbol is showed
prepared for dolby symbol and channel name
Changed keymapping, audio and subservice on yellow, aspect on green, see http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/9545/keymap2pi2.png
CSAT France HD Blackscreen Quickfix
Added audio track selection for m2ts/trp/vob, after changing the audio track it might take 2-3 seconds for the sound to continue

PicturePlayer este accelerat hardware. Suporta doar jpg momentan, fara thumbnail, iar imaginea este mereu intinsa pe tot ecranul
Dezactivat (asta va face E2 mai lent, dar este o cerinta standard pentru majoritatea cam-urilor)
Adaugat suport pentru convertor usb-serial (pl2303, ftdi_sio)
suport avi h264, xvid 720p
fix + mv pentru id3tag la eplayer
Actualizate icoanele de pe VFD pentru criptare si playback al inregistrarilor si fisierelor media. Pregatire pentru simbolul dolby si numele canalului
Schimbata maparea butoanelor. Audio si subservicii pe galben, video pe verde. Vezi http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/9545/keymap2pi2.png
Fix pentru ecran negru pe CSAT France HD
Adaugate selectarea pistei audio pentru m2ts/trp/vob; dupa schimbarea pistei poate dura 2, 3 secunde pana reporneste sonorul


New WEBIF by tic2000
RSP panel rewritten 80%
Intelligent EMU management:
- at every emu install it checks on the server and if there is a new version you can install it
- in the emu start/stop menu you can see only what you have installed
- you can't install an emu if you don't remove it previously (for those already installed of course)
- the partition with the label "RECORD" is automatically mounted on /hdd/movie; the other partition are mounted in /tmp/[device]
- when mounting the HDD you can see only valid Linux partition
- it supports cifs; you have to enable it in the menu and edit the configuration file (var/config/amnt.cfg) with the ip of the pc,
user and password used to login and the folder name you want mounted.

New WEBIF by tic2000
Panel RSP rescris in proportie de 80%
-scalare la emu (se face verificare pe server la orice incercare de install emu si daca apare ceva nou poti sa il instalezi)
-la start stop emu apare doar ce e deja instalat
-nu poti reinstala un emu daca nu ii dai remove in prealabil
=se face automount la partitia cu label RECORD in /hdd/movie
-la montarea HDD apar doar partitiile linux valide (in mod normal ar trebyui sa montati doar sdb..)
-are suport de cifs, se activeaza din meniu si se configureaza /var/config/amnt.cfg pentru a face automount la un director windows

RSP e2 Team

E2_RSP_2.01_TDT884 (http://www.filefactory.com/file/af39gf9/n/E2_RSP_2_01_TDT884_rar)

E2_RSP_2.01_TDT884 (http://www.2shared.com/file/5017497/91c887bf/E2_RSP_201_TDT884.html)

06-03-09, 20:44

foarte stabila,incubus si diablo merg fara probleme

06-03-09, 21:06
MERCI maestre !!!!!


06-03-09, 22:22
Merge bine pina acum! Multe noutati. Unele schimbari cu care trebuie sa ne obisnuim, dar care sint practice.
Felicitari pt. EMU Menu lui @zildan si pt webif lui @tic2000.

06-03-09, 23:02
La mai multe si bune!
Felicitari la toata echipa.............si mai ales lui Zildan!:clap:

07-03-09, 01:43
Felicitari intregii echipe si Maestrului Zildan...FELICITARI !!!!!!!!!

07-03-09, 03:03
THANKS!!! :band:

07-03-09, 03:58
great job ! felicitari team-ului si multumiri .

07-03-09, 08:36
Cum se seteaza display time on stand by?Nu reusesc sa gasesc in menu!

07-03-09, 09:27
Super imagine ...inca o data felicitari...stabila , etc...Cred ca nu se poate seta display time on standby...

Am impresia ca nu prea suporta skin-urile HD...pacat sunt super !!! De fapt nu stiu la mine poate...Oricum imaginea este aproape perfecta...!!!!!!!!

07-03-09, 10:04
Ne-ar ajuta daca ne-ai spune in ce conditii nu ai reusit sa alegi si sa utilizezi skin HD.

De ce spun asta, pentru ca eu am ales din Menu>Setup>System>Skin... Kerni-HD si imi functioneaza. Are pina si subtitrarea la locul ei. E posibil insa in anumite combinatii sa ajungi la ecrane verzi si resetarea receptorului. Acele situatii, daca le intilnesti, ar fi foarte util sa incerci sa vezi in ce conditii le-ai obtinut, pentru ca apoi, sa incercam sa identificam cauza si respectiv solutiile de eliminare si imbunatatire.

07-03-09, 10:46
Si eu folosesc skinul dream HD si merge fara probleme.
Subtitrarea pe unele canale de pe 1W este pusa prea jos, iar datorita overscanului TV-ului meu (Panasonic 42PV70) al doilea rand il vad doar jumatate, chiar si dupa ce am ridicat imaginea pe verticala la maxim si am dat V-AMP la -3. Dar acum nu stiu daca e de la skin, pentru ca pe History Channel HD subtitrarea e mai sus, pe Animal Planet HD si Discovery HD e prea jos.

07-03-09, 11:49
Hi, Thank you for this nice work. Viaccess works without any problem.
I would like to mention two minor things. Luxe HD on 9E not perfect, and when I checked Simul HD on Astra 19E, after two minutes the picture freezed. I had to reboot by manually (switch off-on).

07-03-09, 14:02

unfortunatelly I can't complete the installation of this image; everytime it hangs displaying "WAIT 1 min" in the OSD....

I tried different sticks; different partitions on the stick - even installed after facing the problem again, a different image in the same partionen - the other mage is starting up correctly, but again the WAIT - problem with RSP.

Any idea what may go wrong ?

Regards, flatline

07-03-09, 14:15
Ne-ar ajuta daca ne-ai spune in ce conditii nu ai reusit sa alegi si sa utilizezi skin HD.

De ce spun asta, pentru ca eu am ales din Menu>Setup>System>Skin... Kerni-HD si imi functioneaza. Are pina si subtitrarea la locul ei. E posibil insa in anumite combinatii sa ajungi la ecrane verzi si resetarea receptorului. Acele situatii, daca le intilnesti, ar fi foarte util sa incerci sa vezi in ce conditii le-ai obtinut, pentru ca apoi, sa incercam sa identificam cauza si respectiv solutiile de eliminare si imbunatatire.

Nu am facut precizari pana acum deoarece nu am instalat imaginea decat astazi dimineata ....ieri am lipsit de la "lansare" ...sunt in teste ....am obtinut pe skin-urile HD niste ecrane verzi, dar nu stiu exact in ce conditii de "frecus"..., fata de skin-ul default unde a boot-at dupa instalare perfect si nici macar nu a necesitat restart din Power....o imagine principala...Astazi testez si va semnalez toate posibilele bug-uri care au un numitor comun....

07-03-09, 15:50
Screenshot1 (http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f170/wamby/Sat/WebIf_by_tic2000_RSP-Team-1.jpg)
Screenshot2 (http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f170/wamby/Sat/WebIf_by_tic2000_RSP-Team-2.jpg)
Screenshot3 (http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f170/wamby/Sat/WebIf_by_tic2000_RSP-Team-3.jpg)
Screenshot4 (http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f170/wamby/Sat/WebIf_by_tic2000_RSP-Team-5.jpg)
Screenshot5 (http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f170/wamby/Sat/WebIf_by_tic2000_RSP-Team-6.jpg)

07-03-09, 17:16
OK, this is best E2 img in this time! :clap: thanx Zildan :drinks:.
CIFS works perfectly...
RECORD too..
..but red led on VFD? how i can off?

07-03-09, 18:21
wambertos ce browser folosesti? sunt ceva discondcordante pe acolo care nu ar trebui sa apara :)

07-03-09, 18:22
salut , am instalat pt. a 3-ua oara aceasta imagine (chiar v2.01 publica) , am setat doar "nameserver2" , am instalat/config. "incubus 0.55" si incercand sa vad ce deschide din pachetul "cyfra+" , a deschis "hallmark" am dat prg+ pt. hbo (care nu la mai deschis) si cand am vrut sa apas a 2-ua oara butonul "info" = ecran verde
pt. mine aceasta imag. este mai slaba decat v.1.01 , aparandu-mi si la celelalte instalari "ecrane verzi" si in plus cele 2 prb. legate de "scanare sateliti" si alt ip (vers. cu xxx.xxx.1.1 fata de ce am eu xxx.xxx.0.1 , imposibilitatea activari dhcp-ului) , parere personala

07-03-09, 18:36
Intotdeauna primul boot, se foloseste doar la setarile imaginii. Cum ati terminat setarile dati restart. Daca nu faceti asa o sa aveti un ecran verde, adica se restarteaza enigma2 :).

07-03-09, 18:49
da, ordinea a fost asa :

- instalare imagine
- config. nameserver2
- schimbare defaut skin cu darkglass skin (restart gui)
- upgrade lista "satellites.xml" (restart required)
- instalare/config. "incubuscamd 0.55"
- pornire "incubuscamd 0.55"

si in final testarea canalelor din pachetul "cyfra+" cu aparitia ecranului verde
deocamdata acela a fost singur , acum testand incubuscamd 0.55 sa vad ce deschide ca prg.

07-03-09, 20:21
Am vazut ca a aparut imaginea lui Zildan pe AAF-BOARD si SAT-UNIVERSE. E o chestie foarte buna ca a fost lansata aceasta imagine inaitea tuturor!!!


07-03-09, 21:02
wambertos ce browser folosesti? sunt ceva discondcordante pe acolo care nu ar trebui sa apara :)

Le-am tras pe IE si pe Firefox pt. ca pe IE nu functioneaza Box Control -- Movie List.

07-03-09, 21:07
Am observat si eu la ultima imagine PKT ca daca am incercat sa schimb canalul la primul boot mi-a dat ecran verde. Am dat un restart si nu am mai avut probleme. De atunci la fiecare imagine cand o instalez, setez ce am de setat (lista, retea, skin) apoi ii dau un restart, nu doar GUI, si totul merge ca uns.

07-03-09, 21:30
Eu am incetat sa mai ofer suport pentru IE in ceea ce priveste webif. Cu toate astea, chiar si pe IE nu am vazut ca sectiunea pentru canalul curent sa se suprapuna cu restul paginii cum am vazut la tine.

PS. Chiar si asa, movielist va merge si pe IE in urmatoarea versiune.

07-03-09, 21:59
Hmmm, I installed this on a partition with KCC 3.1, but after rebooting to this image, Kathie stays on "waiting 1 min" for hours.....

I did format the partition with: "mkfs.ext3 -b 4096 /dev/sda2"

07-03-09, 22:09
You can't install in an ext3 partition. Use ext2 and it will work.

07-03-09, 23:13
E2_RSP_2.01_TDT884 (http://www.filefactory.com/file/af39gf9/n/E2_RSP_2_01_TDT884_rar)

Found some issues regarding green screens:

1. I downloaded predefined channel list from BOX to DreamEdit
2. Deleted all channels and groups in list
3. Uploaded to Box
4. Rebooted box before channel scan

Any key pressings on colored buttons and EPG button with empty channel list are making GSOD (Green Screen of Death) :comp:

Another question to RSP, do you have any plans to resolve issue "SID not found in PAT"? It's very annoying...

I know about workaround with replacing some python files to disable error message window, but it won't resolve black screen regarding this problem for some channels..

07-03-09, 23:30
Hi everybody. Thanks to the team for its job. Now we can see stream video into webif but I want to know if there is any way to record the stream in pc.

Thanks. Best regards.


07-03-09, 23:33
The "SID not found in PAT" it's a known bug of E2 and TDT are working on this.

Regarding the GSOD, before you uploaded the settings with DreamEdit did you have the same problem?
Also, as we already stated in the release notes, this image doesn't scan well at all, deleting the channels to scan them is not a good thing to do. You can delete the lists, delete the channels you don't need, but leave the rest there. When you save the list be sure to do it as an E2 V4 settings. If you don't have this option try to use SatChannelListEditor.

if there is a chance to achieve this it's not through a webif

07-03-09, 23:43
Thanks tic2000 for your answer. Very good job. Now I´m seeing an encrypted channel in my pc by streamming and my wife is watching a divx film in tv, all with kathrein and your image. It´s wonderful.

Best regards.

07-03-09, 23:57
Regarding the GSOD, before you uploaded the settings with DreamEdit did you have the same problem?

Thank you for answer.
Nope. I meant GSOD for color keys appears just when channel list is empty.

Yes, I see this image is not good for channel scan.. :(
When I tried to scan some of channels looks like

12073L SID 0x000 (transponder? channel SID?)

When I've tried to zap on it, GSOD appeared

08-03-09, 01:43
Am incercat sa o istalez de doua ori, dupa regulile obisnuite, in mod ciudat nu deschide nimic, nici dupa setari, nici dupa restart. Precis gresesc undeva, dar nu-mi dau seama unde? Nu se deschide nici macar canalul de start. Am reistalat prima versiune, care functioneaza fara nici o problema. Are cineva vreo idee si pentru mine? Are vreo importanta locul de unde descarci imaginea?

08-03-09, 10:52
Found some issues regarding green screens:

1. I downloaded predefined channel list from BOX to DreamEdit
2. Deleted all channels and groups in list
3. Uploaded to Box
4. Rebooted box before channel scan

Any key pressings on colored buttons and EPG button with empty channel list are making GSOD (Green Screen of Death) :comp:

Another question to RSP, do you have any plans to resolve issue "SID not found in PAT"? It's very annoying...

I know about workaround with replacing some python files to disable error message window, but it won't resolve black screen regarding this problem for some channels..

Uploaded my channellist to Box with Dreamset.
Works like a dream.

08-03-09, 10:54
You can't install in an ext3 partition. Use ext2 and it will work.
It works. Now it's time for playing!

08-03-09, 13:35
Am incercat sa o istalez de doua ori, dupa regulile obisnuite, in mod ciudat nu deschide nimic, nici dupa setari, nici dupa restart. Precis gresesc undeva, dar nu-mi dau seama unde? Nu se deschide nici macar canalul de start. Am reistalat prima versiune, care functioneaza fara nici o problema. Are cineva vreo idee si pentru mine? Are vreo importanta locul de unde descarci imaginea?

Cum nu deschide nici canalele free ? Incearca cu Wox sau RTL....

Si nu uita fa-ti setarile de retea, nameserver si ai grija la instalare daca ai setat bine dns...apoi daca s-a instalat emu si ai editat cu liniiile tale...

A instalat cineva barry-allen-UFS-910-5.3.7 si cum se comporta ?

08-03-09, 15:01
Eu l-am instalat. Se comporta ca si precedentul. Partitiile le aveam formatate dinainte, asa ca nu am profitat de posibilitatea lui de a face clustere mari.

08-03-09, 16:30
Great image , mkv works perfect with dolby digital and spdif out.
Solved the sid problem by loading enf's channel list.

08-03-09, 21:55
Solved the sid problem by loading enf's channel list.

Hey, sounds interesting. Where can I get the enf's channel list?

08-03-09, 22:39
I think you should try this:

EnF70 e2 settings (http://sateliti.info/showthread.php?p=72181#post72181)

09-03-09, 21:10
Hi Zildan,

Thanks for the great new image. It appears to be very stable and the presentation and functionality is excellent.

However all the E2 images currently still have the problem for me that they do not want to run the canal digitaal channels via the Aston CI. The image now seems to kind of recognise the CAM, but it is not playing anything....
This is a "must have" for me before I can switch permanently to E2.

Is this something that technically can not be fixed, or is this something where the expert needs to find dedicated time to solve it??
A lot of Dutch users would be very supportive for the first image that can fix this.

For your information, please note that the Swiss SD channels do work with the viaccess CI, but the Suisse HD channel doe however NOT work.....

Your channellist is excellent. I am currently trying to edit it down to my 4 sats that I need (19.2, 13, 23.5 and 28.2).

10-03-09, 06:08
I don't know if someone in the team has this Aston CI. But if it doesn't, we can't test to see what's wrong nor give you an answer when it will be fixed.
Most probably it's a problem related to E2 and not a particular image.

For the channel list use SatChannelListEditor. It's very easy to delete all the satellites you don't need and it deletes the channels on those satellites too. Remember to save it as an E2 v4 settings.

10-03-09, 09:12
For the channel list use SatChannelListEditor. It's very easy to delete all the satellites you don't need and it deletes the channels on those satellites too. Remember to save it as an E2 v4 settings.

keep in mind though that one might experience decoding problems after the channel lists have been modified.
it's been reported that some channels, from time to time, will not display the image but one could only hear the sound.

I think these problems, e2 related, will soon be solved altogether with the already known "not found SID in PAT" error.

best regards

10-03-09, 16:38
You can't install in an ext3 partition. Use ext2 and it will work.

Hi tic2000. I´ve installed your image in an ext2 partition. When it was working ok, with new channels list, emus, conf. etc., I´ve made a copy of it with KCC3.2. Then I´ve formatted the partition with ext3 system and I´ve installed the copy in this partition. Now it´s working OK in an ext3 partition. I haven´t played very much with it but I think all is OK.

Very good job.

10-03-09, 18:07
Hi, i recorded movie from FilmboxHD 13e and i dont have any sound, wher is the problem? Channel FilmboxHD have sound in AC3. thx.

10-03-09, 21:01
KCC3.2 brings some improvements. Between them I think is a better handling of ext3 partitions. Prior to this any try I had to put an image to an ext3 partition failed. To tell the true I didn't try to backup an image and install it after that on an ext3 partition.
The backup should have the dev already build, and building the dev was the moment in which a fresh install failed on ext3.

11-03-09, 15:02
Hello all together,
I'm a new member in this board. I joined the board because I have download your image and I was superised about the stability of the image.
I had never before installed an image which was so stable than yours.
Some questions/remarks:
HDD: why only Linux partitions are recognized and mounted? I have two hdd's and both are FAT formatted. So I can use those for AAF and AAF E2 images.
WLAN: are there any plans to support Wlan?
WebRadio: any plany to implent this useful feature?
Thanks again for your great job.

12-03-09, 10:57
Un lucru mai lipseste la Image:
Ceasul din Display!
Felicitari pt. Image.
Merge 1A!

12-03-09, 11:37
Incepi si tu cu ceasu :).
Il fac, o sa vina un update din meniu si printre altele va avea si ceasul.
Si nemtii ma dispera cu ceasul.

12-03-09, 11:43
E2 Rsp 2.01=merge cu combinatia Kathy+Plasma Panasonic pe Component (YUV)
fara probleme.
(AAF-Sussex merge doar pe Scart)

12-03-09, 19:54
Incepi si tu cu ceasu :).
Il fac, o sa vina un update din meniu si printre altele va avea si ceasul.
Si nemtii ma dispera cu ceasul.

Zildan, tu nu iti dai seama!
Multi oameni inclusiv nemtii si-au luat acest receptor pt. ceas!:D

14-03-09, 08:50
Am facut update la satellites.xml din RSP Menu si nu mai merge niciun canal de pe 1W, ceilalti sateliti merg (am facut updat pt ca vroiam sa scanez 39E ce nu exista in lista initiala)
Nu reusesc sa fac update la settings din Menu, spune ceva de genul "fisier inexistent"
Cum pot redobandi canalaele de pe 1W, altfel dacat reinstaland E2?

In rest felicitari pentru cea mai buna imagine E2 pt Kathy (am avut si peste 24h uptime ceea ce nu s-a intamplat la nici o alta imagine E2)

14-03-09, 09:08
E diferenta de nume intre lista RSP si numele satelitului din XML la Thor.
O sa apara un update ca re va elimina update la xml din meniu si va activa lista RSP (printre altele).

14-03-09, 12:23
Am instalat si eu imaginea, totul a decurs ok, dar am constat ca nu mi se initiaza camu-l diablo, pe nici unul din cele doua sloturi. Ma poate ajuta cineva? Pe precendenta e2 nu mi s-a intamplat asa ceva!

14-03-09, 12:42
M-am lovit si eu de asta cu initializare diablo cam , trebuie sa doar sa insisti ,gandesc ca aia care dezvolta softul de diablo nu o sa stea acum sa vada toate bug-uri la toate modelele de receivere care sunt compatibile cu cam-ul asta
...incerca reset din menu "common interface" , plug-in plug-out cardul intre cele doua sloturi , power on/off buton spate , restart din meniu E2 ...pana la urma trebuie sa o ia .

14-03-09, 13:13
@profitor instaleaza enigma fara diablo ....dupa restart pune diablo si o sa mearga....la mine merge fara probleme

14-03-09, 13:48
Observ ca merge cardul de MAX TV. Deschide TVR HD, chestie care pana acum nu o facea. Nu am citit despre asta pana acum, scuze daca s-a scris si nu am observat.

14-03-09, 14:13
Merge cam-ul VIA perfect in imaginea asta.

15-03-09, 20:49
@nrjboco si mesteru,

multumesc, pentru sfaturi, diablo si-a revenit, dupa mai multe inercari

09-05-09, 09:38
sory no this topic