View Full Version : Internet pe Echosmart 791

08-02-09, 15:48
Salutare, nu a incercat nimeni ca sa il configureze ca un modem echosmartu pe com1 si apoi sa ii faca sharing de net?si sa si functioneze ceva?

Nu de alta da am impresia ca nu degeaba e meniul de gbox pe el.

Mia venit ideea fiindca mai demult am dat net pe com dar pentru telefon

Goto Phone and Modem options, go to “Modems” add a new one, activate “I will select it from a list”
Choose “Communications cable between 2 Computers” from the list (in Standard Modem Types)
Select the COM port from step3
In the modem settings set maximum port speed to 115200
Goto Network Connections and create a new connection (wizard)
Select Set up an advanced connection -> Next
Accept incoming connections -> Next
Check the Communications cable between two computers -> Next
Do not allow VPN connections ->
select a username you want to give access to your pc over Bluetooth (that’s the username you will set on the phone later) -> Next
Select Internet Protocol -> Properties, select “TCI/IP address assignment” and set the IP range to something like
Remove Internet Connection Sharing from all interfaces
run cmd.exe and enter the following commands:

netsh routing ip nat install
netsh routing ip nat add interface "YOUR LAN INTERFACE NAME" full
netsh routing ip nat add interface Internal private

YOUR LAN INTERFACE NAME has to be replaced with the name of the interface connected to the internet
In network connections choose the incoming connection just created, and open its properties.
Click on the users tab, check the last checkbox which says “Always allow directly connected devices to such as palmtop computers to connect without using a password” (this step helped me!)
Asta faceam eu pentru nokia 6600

08-02-09, 17:09
Care are vreo idee daca se poate face asa ceva ?