View Full Version : TDT 659 E2 UFS910 KF659 Flash

02-01-09, 17:50
E2 UFS910 KF659 Flash (http://www.file-upload.net/download-1352210/E2.UFS910.KF659.Flash.rar.html)

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Team DuckTales searches for imagebuilders to get some work off our hands.

So we need you and/or your image team to build the further Enigma2 images
for Kathrein UFS-910.

What you get:
- access to the nightly-builds
- access to the changelog
- access to the image build area of our board
- contact to the whole team in the image build area of our board
- contact to the other imagebuilders

What we hope to get from you or your team
- you have to follow some simple rules which you can read in our image
build area
- you are responsible for the time of your image release
- you can release the images with your own team name
- you are responsible for the support

If you are interested to help us you can contact us at


Your application should contain some informations about you/your team and your image
building experiences.

Greetings from team DuckTales

Changes since (rev600)
-apply patch for symbolrates > 30000000
-enabled seeking in red-key-player(avis,vobs etc) this also effects the mediacenter where
seeking now also is possible (pause is on yellow key)
-avi_v2 index implementation, hopefully to improve playback of DIVX5 and co
-cam: now both slots should work
-Fix crashes on opening pip video windows
-new tool vdstandby for 14W Boxes
-last delivery regarding audiosource switch hdmi, now selectable in menu
-mediaplayer update
added m2ts and trp file extensions
added seeking with 1/3 4/6 and 7/9 keys (at the moment only for vob/m2ts/trp files)
seeking shows now the real position in the progress bar
added progress bar (runtime detection) for m2ts/vob/trp
-Fixed CVBS, RGB, S-Video switching SCART mode on stv6412
-libeplayer new mkv-files (xvid,h264) alphastatus
-show mkv fileextension in mediaplayer
-AC fix. Works for me with AC Light 1.18. Some problems if parental control is enabled
-Enable choose ColorFromat for HDMI, set Compentn to ColorFormat YUV as default,
added HDMI-PC custom resolutions
Changes by KF-Team
- stripped to get in flash
- Small Vaderskin
- ipkg Support
- USB-Stick support for flash version
E2-Flash Howto rev659
- Mit KCC3.1 evtl. euer momentanes Flash-Image sichern als .kim
- Die Box in den Standy bringen falls noch kein E2-Image im flash ist.
- KCC 3.1 starten und eure IP von der Box eingeben und dann auf den Register Flash
gehen und das kf.kim auswählen.
Danach auf flashen drucken und warten bis die Meldung kommt "flashen beendet".
- Box ausschalten und min 20 Sekunden warten und nun sollte das kf659 booten
USB-Stick vorbreiten zum auslagern von /var
- Usb-Stick(ext2/3) anschließen und auf die box einloggen mit zb. Telnet und folgendes
cd /
mount /dev/sdx /mnt # x fur die Partition vom Usb-Stick
cd /var
cp -rd . /mnt
touch /var/.sdxvar # x z.B. a1 als touch /var/.sda1var
- Dann neu booten mit dem Stick dran, nun sollte /var sich auf den USB-Stick befinden.
nun kann man andere Skins/Erweiterungen usw. auf den USB-Stick installieren

wichtig die rcS liegt im ro-bereich und ist nicht änderbar!!!

also alle sachen die zusätzlich (mounts usw.) gestartet werden sollen,
in die /var/etc/init.d/allerlei eintagen
Ein grosser Dank an die unermudliche Arbeit des TDT!
Ohne sie wäre dies nie moglich gewesen.

02-01-09, 19:34

02-01-09, 20:12
but how install a emu? (incubus)

02-01-09, 23:39
salut , aceasta versiune intr-adevar nu ai cum sa instalezi emmu-ri , dar in schimb poate citi "cardurile" (mi-a citit cardul de tvr care-l tin in kathy)
zidan poate "compilezi" partea de soft din aceasta versiune care se ocupa de "citirea cardului" in viitoarea versiune "e2 RSP"
oricum la mine pe tv-ul clasic cu toate ca era setat pt. scart/cvbs si tot restul se manifesta un "tremurici" a imaginii (prima oara cand am intalnit acest fenomen)

03-01-09, 01:41
Am pus si eu pe box-ul de 14w. Am avut probleme cu stick-ul de extensie(am schimbat mai multe). In final am pus pannelul RSP si swap in partitie. Mai facem niste teste apoi o sa apara un addon RSP special.
La prima vedere se pare ca scaneaza si face zapping mult mai repede.
Prietenii de la TDT se misca natural.
Felicitari si echipei KF !!

03-01-09, 12:29
Sa inteleg ca UFS 910 poate reda filme mkv?

03-01-09, 12:36
Momentan nu merg chiar toate dar se lucreaza intens.
Au cam rezolvat restul problemelor!

04-01-09, 17:25
E in teste prima imagine flash RSP bazata pe TDT 659.
Mai studiez posibilitatea unui script care sa copieze /var pe un stick si sa monteze si swap.