View Full Version : SatChannelListEditor 3.1

08-12-08, 22:09
Dupa ce nu cu mult timp in urma, a aparut si versiunea 2.9, ce nu a adus decit functii noi pentru UFS922, astazi a fost publicata si versiunea 3.0

Pentru cei care nu o au deja, o pot descarca de aici.

SatChannelListEditor3.0 (http://www.2shared.com/file/4419583/53452641/SatChannelListEditor_V30_Installer.html)

06-01-09, 19:24
O noua versiune de editor

Traducerea automat facuta de google :

Channel List Editor for UFS821, UFS822, UFS910, UFS922.

Version 3.1

New features:

Supporting Enigma2 (V4 format settings)

Converting Enigma2 V3 settings after V4

Transponder editor for Enigma2

Channel editor for Enigma2

Bugs fixed:

Too many channels, no matching transponder found, because the frequency of 1MHz channels on the frequency of the transponder is different (UFS922)

Radio stations in the favorites after their total number in the list sorted. V3.0 was only for TV stations resolved. (UFS922)


In Windows, Microsoft. NET Framework 2.0 or later installed

Under Linux, the Mono Framework installed (tested with Mono 1.9.1, WinForms libraries may need to be installed with "sudo apt-get install libmono-Winforms *")

13-01-09, 10:39

Este pe undeva un post sau link pentru folosirea SatChannel 3.1
de conversie dintr-un fisier cu sateliti si canale xml de la o imagine originala 1.06 sau aaf 2.0x intr-un fisier xml pentru e2 ver 6xx?


13-01-09, 17:14
Spunea cineva intr-un topic: pui in options-settings-general UFS-910 daca ai o lista de la Kathy 910, incarci lista cu open, treci iar la settings si schimbi pe Enigma2 si gata- iti converteste automat, poti si salva directorul...problema e de conectare la receptor pt a le descarca, fiindca nu stiu ce sa scriu in campul Hostname de la setarile Enigma2 la SatChannelListEditor 3.1... poate stie cineva- mersi

13-01-09, 18:09
adresa IP a lui kathy, (daca n-ai schimbat-o)

13-01-09, 18:17
te conectezi la box cu telnet

Dai c-da #uname -n

Iti returneaza numele boxului adica AAF-KATHI

Apoi te duci in fisierul hosts din windows pc-ul tau si pui linia:


adica de exemplu AAF-KATHI

Apoi te conectezi cu SatChannel dupa nume: AAF-KATHI