View Full Version : Mbox pentru ipbox 91&900&9000

27-07-08, 13:11
De azi se poate sa fie testat primul emu mbox pt ipbox.Exista si versiuna pt pc,dm500,dm600,Dm7020,Dm7025 si DM800.Asta emu suporta si cpu Sh4 cum e ale lui kathrein si ipbox 900HD si 9000HD.Deza exista si versiuna.In prima faza se conecteze cu gbox si cu newcs.Dar viitor suna bine si pt alte emu.
Mai multe informatii o sa gasiti aica


27-07-08, 17:29
diferenta majora intre mgcamd si mbox e ca mbox stia sa face reshare.Cum face gbox si cccam.Azi o sa iese o versiuna lui mbox care o sa decodeze si imagina..


27-07-08, 21:21
Acuma am testat eu pe mbox la ipbox 9000.Si functioneaza bine vede pe peer de la gbox,newcamd,face reshare.E ok....

28-07-08, 20:03
Scrie si tu mai multe despre cum se configureaza reshare-ul

28-07-08, 23:22
Inca nu scriu din motiv ca e beta version si nu poti sa decodezi pe canale.Dar team care evolueze asta project a promis ca in zilele asta o sa scoate alte versiuna care o sa decodeze si pe canale.Configuratia e ffff. simpla

cum sa pornesti pe mbox

1. merge la /var/bin ( via ftp )
2. face un folder cu nume mbox
3. In acest plic baga asta 3 files (mbox.cfg / cwshare.cfg i mbox.mips ( pt dm800 si 7025 )
pt dm500s /dm500s+ / dm700s / 7020S / 600s pune pe mbox.ppc
mbox.i386 pentru pc-linux-server
mbox.sh40 pentru ip9000hd sau pt kathrein

755 facem la toate trei files

4. cwshare.cfg ( poti sa folosesti pe veche de la G**X )
5. si dupa porneste pe telnet.

cd /
cd var/bin/mbox
mbox.mips (pt dm800 sau 7025)

cd /
cd var/bin/mbox
mbox.ppc (pentru dm7020 /dm600)

cd var/bin/mbox
mbox.ppc (pentru dm500s / dm7000 / dm500s+)

cd /
cd var/bin/mbox
./mbox.i386 (pentru linux server)

cd var/bin/mbox

si o sa vezi ca comunica cu peer.Am testat-o si face si reshare pe cartele care iei de la peer.Daca ai un peer in newcamd sau newcs.Il bagi cu linia
C: { 10000 ipbox ipbox 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 }
C: { ip poarta user pass des key }

27-08-08, 21:45
Versiuna lui mbox pt SH4 cpu (ipbox 9000 si 900)

-Added support for SH4 (tested only on IPBOX 9000HD ,image:SifTeam Image 014 rc3!!!,use image that can generate /tmp/pmt.tmp file -> this image can).
-Added option for writing ECMs in ecm.raw file (option W in mbox.cfg).
-Default value of <I: cwshare.cfg> line is changed from 3 to 7.
-Added usage of ignore.list file ( just G option).
-Added CAT table parsing - EMM pids(only for dreambox).
-Fixed bug when changing channel and data in ecm.info wasnt deleted.



29-08-08, 17:25
File Name: mbox 0.2 (SH4) SECOND update 27.08.2008
File Submitter: mower
File Submitted: 29 Aug 2008
File Category: MBOX EMU

-Added support for Kathrein (tested on AAF2.0b image).
-Few chnages in code for IPBOX.
-For SH4 resivers change D line value in mbox.cfg.


01-09-08, 21:27
MBOX "HOW TO" in limba engleza cu fotografie.


05-09-08, 19:58
File Name: mbox 0.2 (SH4) updated 05.09.2008
File Submitter: mower
File Submitted: 5 Sep 2008
File Category: MBOX EMU


-Fix problem when received CWs are zeros and not rejecting them.
-Fix problem loosing cards when new Hello messages received.
-Fix problem with many same cards in share.info file.
-Fix problem with ECM timeout intervals.
-Default path for for mbox.cfg is /var/keys/, for other paths you must start mbox with path as argument.

mbox_sh40.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/1880/mbox_sh40_rar)

05-09-08, 23:45
05.09.2008 Mbox sh4 second update

-Again fix problem with ECM timeout intervals (I hope so !!!).
-Fix problem in mapping CaIDs 0x1810 and 0x1802 to 0x1801.

Azi a iesit inca un update pt MBOX.Astept cind o sa iese versiuna care o sa face si reshare.Cine vrea poate sa il testeze asta versiuna merge super ok si fara probleme.

mbox-20080905 Second Update.zip (http://www.upload-drive.com/1886/mbox-20080905_Second_Update_zip)

07-09-08, 20:26
File Name: mbox 0.2 (SH4) updated 07.09.2008
File Submitter: mower
File Submitted: 7 Sep 2008
File Category: MBOX EMU


-Minor newcamd code optimization.
-Improved irdeto chid handling.
-Now no need to select again channel on start ro read PMT table.
-Fix minor problem when sending ECM.
-No default path for mbox.kill, so now create mbox.kill file where T: path is.
-Fix problem starting mbox without argument and with default mbox.cfg path /var/keys/

mbox_sh40.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/1897/mbox_sh40_rar)

08-09-08, 12:40
IPBOX 9000HD SifTeam image

The script for mboxII_online.

The file you download, and unzip, copy in the box
in the folder /var/scrpit or in the folder /var/ bin.

Now in SifTeam Panel under the Script (yellow button), you have a script "scrplg-mbox_dd.sh."
Run a script and follow the instructions on TV.

CAM_mboxII.online #### The basic program with the configuration files (keep your cfg files)
PATCH_v7092008_wo_cfg_files.online #### Patch program without configuration files (cfg files)
Add_SifTeam_settable.system.online #### Now, within SifTeam Panel -> System have two new items:

Setpath-mboxII_dd_plugin_script.sh ***** Set path for the installation of online mboxII
Setpath-SifTeam_plugin_script.sh ***** Set path for the SifTeam plugin installation

Simply change in the system you are interested and directly to install.

The script added
scrplg-mbox_changes.sh ***** read recent changes related to the mbox

scrplg_mbox_dd.zip (http://www.upload-drive.com/1901/scrplg_mbox_dd_zip)

09-09-08, 15:56
File Name: MBOX ALL PLATFORMS third update 09.09.2008
File Submitter: mower
File Submitted: 9 Sep 2008
File Category: MBOX EMU

09.09.2008 third update

-Fix bug: mbox crashing on some Digiturk channels(like VIP TV) while parsing PMT table

**Azi au iesit 3 noi update eu nu fac upload toate trei dar numai pe ultimul.

mbox_all.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/1924/mbox_all_rar)

10-09-08, 18:35

-Fix problem: starting mbox on windows with argument.
-Added fake? pids for Digiturk

-Added option to change I,X,O,N line ,to delete running D line ,to add new D line(without filter rules),to resend "R" hello msg to all peers while mbox is running. Write new values in "add.data" file and put it in folder from P: line.
NOTE: Max time to wait before changes take affect is 2 minutes, new values for I,X,O,N will not be saved in cwshare.cfg but new D line will be saved. "add.data" file will be deleted after reading (read add.data.example) !

mbox_all.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/1943/mbox_all_rar)

!!!!!Important care face acest versiuna e ca a fixat niste pids fake pt digiturk,acuma poate merge amindoi tuner la decodarea (nu e confirmat de la mine inca)si cel mai important e ca cind adaugam o noua linia de peer nu e nevoie sa facem restart la mbox dar il ia automat.Cum se intimpla si la cccam.

10-09-08, 21:58
10.09.2008 second update

-Added option to add C line from add.data file.
-Fix problem: in last update I accidentally change interval to higher value for rereading PMT table,now I change it to normal value.


11-09-08, 10:59
File Name: MBOX ALL PLATFORMS third update 10.09.2008
File Submitter: mower
File Submitted: 10 Sep 2008
File Updated: 10 Sep 2008
File Category: MBOX EMU

10.09.2008 third update

-Added restriction for add.data file, only one D and C line can be added per one call.
-Added IP change detection for C line peers.

mbox_all.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/1950/mbox_all_rar)

12-09-08, 11:16
Mbox II v 11.09.2008

11.09.2008 second update

-Again fix problem for few irdeto channels on Digiturk


-Added mbox.ver file(in T: path) for writing current mbox version like this ("0.2 BETA (11.09.200");
-Added code to show message if someone trying to add C line but not having at least one C line in cwshare.cfg when mbox was started.
-Fix problem saving new C line from add.data to cwshare.cfg file
-Fix problem with few irdeto channels on Digiturk.
-Fix problem decoding AC3 pid.


16-09-08, 23:08
File Name: mbox 0.3 BETA ALL PLATFORMS (16.09.2008)
File Submitter: mower
File Submitted: 16 Sep 2008
File Category: MBOX EMU


-Added resharing code.You cant use yet your local card with newcs+mbox for resharing ,still just for local watching!!!.
-Added reco***ng for DM boxes.(not tested).
-Added code for caching DCW(on every peer DCW are cached).
-Added mapping CaIDs 0x0B01,0X0B02,0X0B03 to 0x0B00(not tested).
-Remove reading forbiden SID pids from C line.Now you must make file called "port.list" in K: path. "Port" is newcs listening port,so if newcs is listening on port 12000 ,file will be called 12000.list.
Read 12000.list.example for more info. Pls use SID pids , CHIDs for Irdeto or G line , because now mbox send only one ECM and wait response from newcs before it send new ECM.
-Fix small memory problem.
-Fix crashing on exit.
-Fix problem for some via2 channels.
-Fix problem with reading X line from cwshare.cfg.

mbox_all.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2033/mbox_all_rar)

17-09-08, 00:29
File Name: mbox 0.3 BETA second update ALL PLATFORMS (16.09.2008)
File Submitter: mower
File Submitted: 16 Sep 2008
File Category: MBOX EMU

16.09.2008 second update

-Fix problem with tomeout intervals.

mbox_all22.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2034/mbox_all22_rar)

**functioneaza fara probleme si face si reshare,merge TVR HD fara probleme,functioneaza la ipbox 9000HD,kathrein testat de la mine**

17-09-08, 22:37

-Change usage of "port".list file.Please read 12000.list.example!!!.
-Fix problem using Irdeto ChID with local card.
-Fix bug:G line from "port".list file didnt work

mbox_all33.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2042/mbox_all33_rar)

18-09-08, 16:10
Mbox Control Center V1.0 Beta 1.9b

- fixed ECM Trace filter
- change font in Telnet console

please backup your files BEFORE you use MCC !!!


- fixed Telnet screen after resize
- change { } in { 0 } for C-line in add.data file
- add switch off chameleon2 in Newcs Trace
- add button "Level Normal" in Newcs Trace
- enbled clear button when not started Mbox Trace
- removed forbidden sids in add.data file

MboxCC_Setup.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2122/MboxCC_Setup_rar)

Cu asta program poti sa vezi si sa configurezi pe mbox prin calculator.Nu functioneaza cu vista.

21-09-08, 21:38
Mbox Control Center V1.0 Beta 2.0

- Profile selection sorted alfabetical (text sort)
- add multilanguage.
- stores the window size and location (startup with last size, location)

please backup your files BEFORE you use MCC !!!

MboxCC_Setup.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2258/MboxCC_Setup_rar)

Eu am facut pe traducere in limba romana pt acest program.Va rog testati si scrieti la link mai jos ce probleme are.

21-09-08, 22:52
Mbox Control Center V1.0 Beta 2.0a

- fixed display characters wrong in some languages
- add greek language

MboxCC_Setup.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2261/MboxCC_Setup_rar)

22-09-08, 12:18
Mbox Control Center V1.0 Beta 2.0b

- fixed wrong text user/port in add.data C-line
- new polish language (fixed some terms)

MboxCC_Setup.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2276/MboxCC_Setup_rar)

27-09-08, 21:00
Mbox Control Center V1.0 Beta 2.1

- add Local settings, no FTP server needed, no Telnet possible ( for mbox.exe )
- add "Stop Mbox" button
- fixed ECM/PID screen when no ecm/pid
- new Slovak language (fixed some terms)
- new Romana language (fixed some terms)
- new German language (fixed some terms)

please backup your files BEFORE you use MCC !!!

MboxCC_Setup.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2498/MboxCC_Setup_rar)

29-09-08, 22:22

-Added local card(s) CWs reshare.
-Added binary for OpenWRT devices(not tested).
-Added Q option in mbox.cfg for newcamd connect retry in sec.
-Fix parsing many SECA providers in PMT table.
-Optimize code for memory usage.

NOTICE: YOU MUST SET xxxx.list file for your local card or it will not work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


30-09-08, 09:30
29.09.2008 build 0002

-Fix problem sending wrong ECMs to newcs


30-09-08, 11:54
Astept vesti bune de la voi.:)

30-09-08, 19:40
0.4 BETA build 0003

-Binary for OpenWRT now compiled for 2.6 Kernel (not tested).
-Added N option in .list file to set if your card is for N3 system(not tested).
-Added code to show time in "ms" for local ECM decoding.
-Fix problem putting new ECMs in buffer and not decoding them if last decode from newcs failed.


01-10-08, 23:22
Mbox 0.4 BETA build 0004 with reco***ng! :)

-Added reco***ng for Ipbox receiver(for Kathrein not tested!!!).
-Binary for OpenWRT devices is now build for 2.4 and 2.6 Kernel.(not tested).
-You can now change H option from mbox.cfg while mbox is running.Just put new value for H in add.data file.
-Now when H option(local card priority over network) in mbox.cfg is set to 1, mbox will only send ECMs to local card, it will ignore network cards!!.
-Fix problem putting same ECM in buffer for local decode.
-Fix problem trying to open "demux" devices in OpenWRT devices(not tested).



03-10-08, 16:28
0.4 BETA build 0005

-Compiled binary for Relook 200(tested) with no floating point instruction(mbox.nofloat.ppc)
-Added E option in "port".list file.
-Added G option in mbox.cfg file.
-Added code to show from what distance is ECM for local decode.
-Fix problem reco***ng when timeshift is OFF on SH4 receivers(tested only on IPBOX).
-Fix problem sending empty PID list to vdr-sc(not tested).

mbox_all.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2611/mbox_all_rar)

05-10-08, 23:22
0.4 BETA build 0006

-Mbox is now compiled to use linux dvb api for SH4 receivers ,pls set D option in mbox.cfg to 1 (mbox-e.sh40)/not tested.
-Now you can mix enabled/forbiden SID pids and enabled/forbiden ChID and ofcourse ECM pids.(Pls. mix ecm pids and SID pids , very useful for Nagra system and Conax(and others) because all cards are mapped to 1801 or 0B00 caids).
NOTICE: Local card will not work without "port".list file. "port" is number from C: line { IP 12000 ..... } ,for this example file will be called 12000.list .Put this file in K path.(read port.list.example)

-Remove N usage from "port".list file.
-Fix problem: putting the same ECM from different peers in ECM buffer for local decode.
-Fix problem: after card reinit/offline and again reconnected to newcs, mbox didnt start decoding ECMs in buffer.
-Fix problem: local card dont have full priority over network cards.

**Asta versiuna are multe bug folositi pe 0007 **

mbox_all0.6.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2658/mbox_all0_6_rar)


0.4 BETA build 0007

-Fix problem: disconnecting from newcs even if Newcs is online.

mbox_all.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2657/mbox_all_rar)

06-10-08, 21:09
0.4 BETA build 0008

-Fix problem: some options in "port".list file didnt work good.

mbox_all008.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2679/mbox_all008_rar)

07-10-08, 13:00
0.4 BETA build 0009

-Added value 4 for Kathrein in D option, to select Linux DVB API(mbox.cfg)/(not tested!!)
-Added binary for Linksys NSLU2,(ARMv5TE) CPU, (mbox.arm) (not tested).
-Added R option in "port".list file.Default value is 5 seconds.
-Fix remembering wrong Sid pid from PMT table.
-Fix few nasty bugs in PMT parser code.

mbox_all0009.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2707/mbox_all0009_rar)

07-10-08, 20:21
0.4 BETA build 0010

-Fix problem with some dvb descriptors in PMT table.

mbox_all00010.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2729/mbox_all00010_rar)

09-10-08, 01:06
0.4 BETA build 0011

-Added F option in mbox.cfg.
-Few changes in code.

mbox_all.rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/2771/mbox_all_rar)

09-10-08, 23:50
Mbox Control Center V1.0 Beta 2.2

- fixed try to download verion file on startup (removed on startup, only when "reload" or "restart")
- fixed grid bug (cosmetic)
- add H option in add.file
- add Portuguese language
- add Spanish language
- add Hungarian language
- add some more colors to newcamd in mbox-trace

Mbox_Control_Center_V1_1_.0_Beta_2.2.zip (http://www.upload-drive.com/2802/Mbox_Control_Center_V1_1__0_Beta_2_2_zip)

10-10-08, 22:06
0.4 BETA build 0012

-Minor changes.
-Few bug fixes.

13-10-08, 23:19
Ramaneti pe cel din 1 octombrie, ultimile versiuni au probleme la reshare si share.

18-10-08, 15:48
Mbox Control Center V1.0 Beta 2.3


I lost my source code (got a virus) so had to use a backup.
Backup is from Beta2.1.
I made the same changes so it's back to beta2.2.
It could be you will need to enter all config settings again. (sorry!)
Please let me know if there is some different then the Beta2.3.

- disabled the Upload button for mbox.cfg and cwshare.cfg when empty.
This should prevent you to upload a empty config!!!

Look at the end of the English file for any new textlabels.
Just translate it and paste it in your own file (and sent me the new translation only new text)

please backup your files BEFORE you use MCC !!!


18-10-08, 18:04
0.4 BETA build 0013

-Added P option in cwshare.cfg.Read README.cwshare.txt.
-Removed H option from mbox.cfg.Now H option is in cwshare.cfg file.Read README.cwshare.txt.
-Added code to check changes in "port".list file.New values will be in use after 2 minutes!!
-Few changes in code.

If any one have Triple-Dragon and/or DGStation with native image, let me know over PM.


18-10-08, 23:01
0.4 BETA build 0014

-Fixed bug in parsing Hello msg and losing cards.

http://www.upload-drive.com/3157/mbox_all_rar (http://www.upload-drive.com/3157/mbox_all_rar)


29-10-08, 17:57
Am mutat ultimele trei versiuni aici http://sateliti.info/showthread.php?t=5272 ,ma gandeam ca nu are rost sa postam de mai multe ori.Mai ales ca erau arhive pentru toate receptoarele.

29-10-08, 22:11
Da e ok, de azi inainte aici se vor gasi numai versiunea pentru ipbox

29-10-08, 22:30
0.4 BETA build 0019

-NOTICE: gbox support still broken !!!

-Fix not showing online some peers.

Atentie: fisierul de aici este doar pentru ipbox

10-11-08, 20:31
Am pus de cateva zile mbox 0019 si in urma unor discutii cu un peer al meu am constatat ca desi am 0019 ma vede 0015.
Sa mergem putin pe fir.
1.Singura modalitate sa pui pe ipbox 900HD pe sifteam mbox+newcs este cu scriptul (postat de snow in urma cu mai mult timp) care schimba calea de install din panel, dupa care suprascrii mbox.sh40 si pthreadGC2.dll in var/keys cu ultima versiune aparuta.
2.In Mbox Control Center apare jos in bara 0.4 BETA 0004 (care il citeste din tmp/mbox.ver ) adica ultima versiune care a fost pusa de sifteam in calea din script. Daca editezi tmp/mbox.ver cu 0019 dupa restart la mbox suprascrie cu 0004.

-nu vad online userii 0019 desi am 0019(instalat cum am scris mai sus)

cred ca va merge numai daca sifteam va pune in install mbox 0019+newcs.

Poate ma insel si imi scapa ceva,
nu stiu daca mai foloseste cineva ipbox cu mbox 0.4 build 0019.

Dati-mi si mie o veste daca stiti ceva.

10-11-08, 21:53
Daca in var/bin pui mbox fara extensie din arhiva care contine ultima versiune de mbox si pe care tu o duci in var/keys respectiv mbox.sh40 iti va aparea in mbox control jos la status exact ce versiune ai pus altfel orice versiune vei pune el tot mbox 04 build 0004 iti va vede.

10-11-08, 22:57
Da asa e, intradevar apare versiunea curenta iar peer 0019 merg.

In felul asta merge numai daca fac atribut 777.

Multumesc @eroler.

24-12-08, 16:03
cine ma ajuta si pe mine cu setarile pt mbox pt abip box 900hd??

02-02-09, 22:20
File Name: mbox 0.4 PRE BETA build 0021
File Submitter: mower
File Submitted: 2 Feb 2009
File Category: MBOX EMU

0.4 PRE BETA build 0021

-Fix problem connecting to old mbox 016-019 versions.
-Fix problem with stack

03-02-09, 21:26
0.4 PRE BETA build 0021

-Fix problem connecting to old mbox 016-019 versions.
-Fix problem with stack
-Fix problem with sending good ECM message to mbox ver. 0016-0019.
-Added H option in mbox.cfg for mapping provids.
-Few changes in code for local card priority, H option in cwshare.cfg.Now local card priority should work ok.
-Added code to check if same ECM is allready in ECM buffer for local card decoding over newcs.
-Fix problem not setting CA pids after channel change for devices that use dvb api.Screen stay black.
-Fix problem sometimes mbox start hitting cached CW for same ECM all the time.Now it should be okey.

03-02-09, 22:01
0.4 PRE BETA build 0021

-Fix problem connecting to old mbox 016-019 versions.
-Fix problem with stack
-Fix problem with sending good ECM message to mbox ver. 0016-0019.
-Added H option in mbox.cfg for mapping provids.
-Few changes in code for local card priority, H option in cwshare.cfg.Now local card priority should work ok.
-Added code to check if same ECM is allready in ECM buffer for local card decoding over newcs.
-Fix problem not setting CA pids after channel change for devices that use dvb api.Screen stay black.
-Fix problem sometimes mbox start hitting cached CW for same ECM all the time.Now it should be okey.
-Fix problem black screen if first DCW is from cache for devices that use dvb api.

mbox 0.4 PRE BETA build 0021 REUPLOADED 7-th time (http://www.sateliti.info/attachment.php?attachmentid=265&d=1233692098)

04-02-09, 09:31
0.4 PRE BETA build 0021

-Fix problem connecting to old mbox 016-019 versions.
-Fix problem with stack
-Fix problem with sending good ECM message to mbox ver. 0016-0019.
-Added H option in mbox.cfg for mapping provids.
-Few changes in code for local card priority, H option in cwshare.cfg.Now local card priority should work ok.
-Added code to check if same ECM is allready in ECM buffer for local card decoding over newcs.
-Fix problem not setting CA pids after channel change for devices that use dvb api.Screen stay black.
-Fix problem sometimes mbox start hitting cached CW for same ECM all the time.Now it should be okey.
-Fix problem black screen if first DCW is from cache for devices that use dvb api.
-Fix problem with black screen if using local card for decoding over newcs for devices that use dvb api.


05-02-09, 18:04
0.4 BETA build 0022

-Added mbox.prio file for adding priority system selection.Put the file in "K line-mbox.cfg" path directory.If no dcw arrived after several ECM send, mbox will reread PMT without using priority list.


05-02-09, 19:03
Mbox Control Center V1.0 Beta 2.6

- add passive FTP mode
- add Catalan language

please backup your files BEFORE you use MCC !!!


06-02-09, 16:06
0.4 BETA build 0022

-Added mbox.prio file for adding priority system selection.Put the file in "K line-mbox.cfg" path directory.If no dcw arrived after several ECM send, mbox will reread PMT without using priority list.
-Fix bug resharing cards from gboxx and mbox peers to each other.
-Few small changes in code.
-Fix problem mbox hangs after hello message.


10-02-09, 10:16
0.4 BETA build 0022

-Added mbox.prio file for adding priority system selection.Put the file in "K line-mbox.cfg" path directory.If no dcw arrived after several ECM send, mbox will reread PMT without using priority list.
-Fix bug resharing cards from gboxx and mbox peers to each other.
-Few small changes in code.
-Fix problem mbox hangs after hello message.

-Fix problem repetition of CaID 0x1702 ...found CW in cache on Premier channels.
-Changed priority code ,so now you can use P line with or without sid pid.P line with sid pid has priority over P line without sid pid.
-Changed how much ecm/sid pids can be loaded from port.list file, from 150 to 500 pids.


21-02-09, 20:06
0.4 BETA build 0023

-Fix problem with returning wrong boxid in (cached) DCW message.
-Few changes in cache code.
-Few changes in code for cards reshare.
-Added support for SSSP protocol, S line in mbox.cfg, tested only on Windows OS, on Linux OS still doesnt work!!.
-Added support for triple dragon receiver(set D on 5 in mbox.cfg).
-Few changes in code for Qbox HD receiver(set D on 6 and A on 1 in mbox.cfg).
-Information in stat.info file is just for mbox peers!!.
-Added mapping , from 1815 to 1801 in H line (mbox.cfg).


21-02-09, 21:02
0.4 BETA build 0023

-Fix problem with returning wrong boxid in (cached) DCW message.
-Few changes in cache code.
-Few changes in code for cards reshare.
-Added support for SSSP protocol, S line in mbox.cfg, tested only on Windows OS, on Linux OS still doesnt work!!.
-Added support for triple dragon receiver(set D on 5 in mbox.cfg).
-Few changes in code for Qbox HD receiver(set D on 6 and A on 1 in mbox.cfg).
-Information in stat.info file is just for mbox peers!!.
-Added mapping , from 1815 to 1801 in H line (mbox.cfg).
-Few changes in sssp code, affect just mbox.exe file.


22-02-09, 17:26
0.4 BETA build 0023

-Fix problem with returning wrong boxid in (cached) DCW message.
-Few changes in cache code.
-Few changes in code for cards reshare.
-Added support for SSSP protocol, S line in mbox.cfg, tested only on Windows OS, on Linux OS still doesnt work!!.
-Added support for triple dragon receiver(set D on 5 in mbox.cfg).
-Few changes in code for Qbox HD receiver(set D on 6 and A on 1 in mbox.cfg).
-Information in stat.info file is just for mbox peers!!.
-Added mapping , from 1815 to 1801 in H line (mbox.cfg).
-Few changes in sssp code, affect just mbox.exe file.
-Fix problem mapping 1815 to 1801, add mapping from 1822 to 1801.
-Few changes.
