View Full Version : K1 Plus S2/T2 Tools

14-05-16, 19:21
Editor de canale in Py, e un punct de pornire:

K1 Plus S2/T2 Editor

The general idea:
in absence of a channel editor provided by the Vigica box vendor or S805 chip maker I've written some scripts, using the Python language that is available in different Operating Systems, to make it possible to compose channel lists on the computer.
The idea is to use the file editor that your OS provides to do the work.
The script 'decompose-mw-s1.py' will fill a folder 'services_all' with files on basis of the mw-s1 file that resulted from the raw scanning of all satellites of interest to you.
One file per service.
You can then make a number of folders, one folder per satellite, and drop wanted services into those new folders by copying or moving services from the services_all folder.
The order in which the services will appear in your new channel list can be influenced by editing of the number in the beginning of the file names.
For details see below.
Edit the 'compose-mw-s1.py' script such that it will use the folders that you created to get the services that should be in the new channel list.
The compose script will create a new mw-s1 file called dvb_s_mw_s1_new that, after renaming it, should take the place of the one with the raw scan of services.
Then the complete set of files can be imported back into the Vigica box.

Before any work is done:
1. Back up all mw_xxx files
2. Make the satellite and transponder settings the way you want and need, using the set-top-box.
3. Do a blind scan for selected satellites that you are interested in.
4. Note that deselecting a satellite deletes all service definitions for that satellite!
5. Any new service listing mw_s1 you create will have to be combined with that particular mw_st1 file that was used to do the blind scan.
(mw_s1 does not contain absolute references to satellites and transponders; only indices, i.e. relative references)

The decompose-mw-s1 Python script makes a file per service in the 'services_all' directory.
The scripts gives each file a name that is formed as follows

'R/TV/U ~ n ~ servicename ~ E0 ~ Nn ~ Pn'

R/TV/U: Radio, TV, or Unknown type of service
n: count given from first service found in order of the blind scan [decimal]
servicename: a name derived from the service name found in the record and adapted to be fit for use in a file path name. Can be edited if the E0 flag is set E1.
E0: a flag string. When composing the new channel list can be edited by you.
E0 means service name not to be edited: use the service name in the record as found in the scan
E1 means change the service name: use the string between the second and third '~' as a new service name.
Nn: networkID i.e. nid found in the record. Sometimes the same service is found on a satellite but via different networks [decimal].
Only given to make keeping apart the same services via different providers easier.
Pn: the preference setting found in the record [decimal representation of a bit pattern]. Can be edited by you for the new channel list.

To try the decompose-mw-s1.py script put the mw_s1 data file from your box in the directory where the script resides and run it on a PC that has Python installed.
Rename is to dvb_s_mw_s1 , which is the same file but found under that name when you have access to the OS of the set-top-box.
Alternatively in the decompose script change the input file name to mw_s1.

Creation of a new channel list is done by creation of folders that may represent grouping by satellite and/or by preference.
Wanted channels can be copied from the services_all folder to those custom folders using the OS's file management program.
Inside these folders the order of the services in the new list can be determined by editing the n in the file names.
Not the absolute value of n is important but the relative value. The lowest n will be channel 1 for that folder.
The order in which inside each directory a scan is done for files is naturally sorted, not alphabetically.
TV-20~name... comes before
If there would be only these two, the TV-20~name... will be channel 1 and the TV-1000~name... will be channel 2

Current firmware of the Vigica C100S contains a bug that causes the service names given by the satellite operators not to show up correctly when they contain characters outside the basic ASCII range. Of course a hex editor can be used to change individual records. But with some limitations also your file management program can be used.
Change the ~E0~ into ~E1~ in the file name. The compose script will see this flag and will use as a new service name the text in the filename between the second ~ and third ~.
Most file systems and file managers allow UTF-8 characters in filenames, so character from many languages are at your dipsosal.
The limitations stem from the fact that your OS will not accept certain characters as part of a file name.
< > : " / \ | ? * are not allowed. The decompose script puts % signs where it encountered characters that are not allowed in file names. It is also not advisable to have spaces in a filename. To alllow spaces to be in the new service name a character _ (underscore) will be interpreted to mean a space when ~E1~ is set.
The ~ character is not to be used either as it is aplied here to mark start and ending of the name string.
If you want an _ (underscore) in the service name you can put two consecutive ones, __, in the filename. This will produce one _ in the name inside the new listing.

The file name given to a service record will end with ~P and a number. During composition of a new channel list this number will be used to set preferences.
A service can have up to 10 preference groups to which it belongs. 0, zero, means no preference set.
The wanted preference setting follows from a calculation as follows
pref1 1
pref2 2
pref3 4
pref4 8
pref5 16
pref6 32
pref7 64
pref8 128
pref9 256
pref10 512
Add up the values for those preferences you want and make that the file name ending.
The compose script will interpret the given value after the last '~P' in the filename and change the record before adding it to the new list.
E.g. a ~P5 or ~P05 ending of the file name will make the service having preferences 1 and 3.

In the compose-mw-s1 script the names have to be entered, using an editor, of the custom directories from which you want the services being collected.

Keep the directories that will be scanned clean; only wanted and correct records should be in them.
The compose-mw-s1 script does no checks and just concatenates everything it finds in sorted order and adds the right file header to the resulting total.

The script produces a file called dvb_s_mw_s1_new ; this name choice can be set in the script, using an editor.

The crc-32-mpeg checksum gets calculated using the pycrc.py package, just very slightly modified to eliminate an utf-8 check that throws an error.
(the records contain random bytes and hence do not allow to be utf-8 interpreted)
All credits to the makers of pycrc.py for having added the mpeg variety of that checksum to their package! pycrc.py is distributed under MIT license.

the new service list can be installed as mw_s1 using a SD card in combination with the other mw_xxx files, or as dvb_s_mw_s1 using a file transfer program directly into /data/data/th.dtv followed by a restart of the th.dtv app.

February 2016
willy wortel

17-05-16, 12:28
Un alt editor de canale, scris in java.
Inca nu m-am prins cum se poate folosi.

Vigica EDIT (https://github.com/nabillo/Vigica_Edit)

28-05-16, 22:08
Un tutorial cu metoda de flash la S805 si S812 aici (http://mbox.co.za/forum/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=182).
Dupa cum scrie acolo, se alimenteaza playerul doar prin cablul USB A-A !

24-06-16, 12:24
Flash K1 S2 T2 img Firmware with USB Burning Tool

Azi am descoperit prin incarcari si bazandu-ma pe experienta de la alte aparate cum se scre imaginea de flash in mod rescue.

Pentru asta avem nevoie de un cablu USB A-A

https://s32.postimg.cc/6g31eeeph/USB_Cable_A_A_Male_Male_SFCable.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/3lzw0ycj5/)

Aparatul nu se alimenteaza de la sursa in timpul procedurii.
Cablul USB se introduce direct in portul USB al calculatorului.

Pentru conectare apasam cu o scobitoare si mentinem asa, butonul reset situat in partea de jos a aparatului.

https://s32.postimg.cc/99hdq6s39/reset.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/c3kj3mu9d/)

Acum introducem cablul USB in portul marcat in imaginea urmatoare:

https://s32.postimg.cc/g0cvwqg11/USB.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/yfxcu4u5d/)

Dupa cateva secunde de la conectarea cablului putem elibera reset.


https://s32.postimg.cc/797bdtmc5/wc2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/ep6kzma1d/)

https://s32.postimg.cc/jp417kfo5/wordcup1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/f37wz7u4x/)

24-06-16, 14:59
O sa incerc si eu din nou ! bravo ! dar ...
mai la toamna ca-s intrat la ... "stapani" ...
si nu ma ingaduie ...

24-06-16, 16:15
Sper sa ii dai de cap !
Am cercetat asta din 2 motive:
1. E riscant sa nu ai o versiune de rescue
2. Vreau sa fac o imagine de firma care sa nu contina semnaturile aplicatiei DTV.
Daca nu o contine nu ii mai verifica semnatura si pot sa o semnez privat, nu mai am surpriza ca o baneaza.
Sper sa nu ma insel.
Evident m-am gandit ca reusesti si tu sa pui o imagine "curata" pe aparat si scapi de * la linii .

30-06-16, 12:01
Ciudat ! acest mesaj apartine lui @Konstantine ... l-am primit pe mail ca fiind postat ... si nu-l gasesc nicaieri !!!

30-06-16, 12:05
E mutat la e2, pana e verificata treaba.

18-09-16, 16:08
Versiunea 0.5 a editorului de canale _sm0ke_ pentru softul original.

03-10-16, 00:12
Editor channels for the built-in TV viewing application.

version by _sm0ke_
Now, starting with this version, with our DiZil1 joint project.
As the saying goes, "one head is good ...";)
Changed almost all code
The application design with multi-window interface with a tabbed interface
[+] Following function template (template includes favorite channels, regardless of the version of the channel list;
those. imposing a pattern on the channel list, favorites are restored)
[+] For foreigners added 2 languages ​​- English and German (toggle through the "Help" menu item)
[+] To choose the audio track by default.
[+] Filter to use to search for the channel (s) (for example, when searching for 3 satellites (astra, hotbird, sirius) finds more than 4000 channels; look for scrolling through the list would take a lot of time, but knowing that the desired channel has a specific signature ( name, frequency, etc.), it is possible to apply a filter)
[+] Column indicating the channel type (HD, encrypted)

09-10-16, 22:36
A aparut si versiunea 0.6.1 a editorului de canale.

Added the ability to upload / download config directly to the receiver (menu "K1 + Receiver");
The minimum version of .Net framework 4.5;
Removed the old bugs, added new: D

11-10-16, 22:00
[+] Concluded NID-TID (network & provider id);

16-10-16, 09:38
Ce trebuie facut , in afara de alegerea ip-ului, pentru a se conecta la receptor ? Multumesc.

17-10-16, 16:17
Nu sunt sigur ca merge bine !
Teoretic doar atatar trebui sa faci.
Dacă ar avea forumul 4pda deschis si la alte tari le dădeam soluția găsită de mine de conectare sigura pe adb.

18-10-16, 21:42
Am incercat cu receptorul conectat prin cablu, apoi wifi, zice ca nu se poate conecta.

03-11-16, 21:01
SetupK1Plus_0.6.4.1 (http://www.mediafire.com/file/b9st2uk722rura7/SetupK1Plus_0.6.4.1.rar)

31-12-16, 20:24
Ce trebuie facut , in afara de alegerea ip-ului, pentru a se conecta la receptor ? Multumesc.
Eu am reusit astazi dupa mai multe incercari , dar nu stiu exact de ce am reusit . . .

Am instalat astazi SuperSU si KingRoot si eram in setarile de wifi ca sa pot adauga ip-ul ( nu stiu daca conteaza dar eu asa am reusit )
( pe KII pro cu softul de fabrica )
https://s23.postimg.cc/5pusia63f/kii.png (https://postimg.cc/image/rp175hmxj/)

07-01-17, 17:31
Un tutorial scurt pt K+ Channel editor :
1. se conecteaza editorul la box : k+receiver /conect /introducere ip ( cu dtv oprit pe box )
ip-ul se afla din box asa :
setari /retea /wifi (in cazul meu)/se deschide reteaua la care esti conectat/informatii despre stare
2. se downloadeaza lista de canale : k+receiver /download
3. editare canale dupa plac
4. urcare din k+receiver /upload ( tot cu dtv oprit pe box )
la partea cu urcatul pe box trebuie verificata lista din dtv inainte de a opri softul de editare
( am avut cazuri cand a trebuit sa urc de doua sau trei ori lista inainte de aparea corect in dtv )

07-01-17, 20:55
Ai reusit sa faci asa sau asa crezi ca trebuie sa faci ?

07-01-17, 23:38
Am reusit , mai da rateuri din cand in cand dar functioneaza

10-01-17, 13:39
Editorul K1+ v.
Tradus in limba Romana de Rapy [ :) ]
Acum se pot edita si canalele T2 ( nu am testat pentru ca nu am antena T2 )
SetupK1Plus_0.6.5.0 (http://www98.zippyshare.com/v/53Wtpnni/file.html)

11-02-17, 23:03
Editorul K1+ v. (https://dl.orangedox.com/DDr3OZ17OHS88Km6iL?dl=1)
[+] Changed the way display the channel list;
[+] To the channel list added drag & drop (the ability to drag and drop channels);
[+] Added languages

03-11-17, 15:27
Te rog ajută. Ieri am cumpărat K1 plus dvb-s2 / t2. Sunt verde in acest subiect.
Problem z wyborem listi z listy Cutie C edytor listy K1Plus_0.6.5.9, pană cand instaje casa de aplicaţie SuperSu, conexiunea a fost ok, dar nu am putut trimite lista deoarece părea să instaleze SuperSu, am instalacja apliku SuperSu in cutie din Playstation Şi acum nu am nici o legătură cu cutia, te rog ajută.
Imi pare rău că scriu, dar folosesc tłumacz Google.
============================================ ============================================ ===============

Proszę pomóż. Wczoraj kupiłem K1 plus dvb-s2 / t2. Jestem zielony w tym temacie.
Mam problem z wysłaniem listy do skrzynki z edytorem listy K1Plus_0.6.5.9, dopóki nie zainstaluję skrzynki aplikacji SuperSu, połączenie było w porządku, ale nie mogłem wysłać tej listy, bo wydawało się, że instaluje się SuperSu, zainstalowałem aplikację SuperSu w polu od playstore A teraz nie mam połączenia z pudełkiem, proszę o pomoc.
Przepraszam za pisanie, ale używam tłumacza Google.

03-11-17, 18:30
Reinstall firmare.
SD card version here : https://mega.nz/#!Z9cRjASD!lfwiUJcy3xoum2d2HSeIzZhRumzik6YcAB7h50gIIFA
UsbBurningTool version here : https://mega.nz/#!wx9GBTSZ!fzUHAEOURGWZPS47vFBZZkLVXQTgDOZtjQGZlBvvtoA
USB Burning Tool (Amlogic 2.0.7) : https://mega.nz/#!45snFbBT!c2XRwu8gLvC5LaitJP5lQe0IYsykM-chLJZ17muv4S4

03-11-17, 19:41
Pierwszy link nie działa.

Pierwszy link nie działa.

03-11-17, 19:50
Now is ok.

03-11-17, 20:30
Poți să-mi spui după tren ceea ce am de făcut cu ea.

You can tell me after the train what I have to do with it.

03-11-17, 20:34
I don't understand .Please write in polish, then translate with google.

03-11-17, 23:38
You did not understand me the box is good ok works.I just do not have a connection to the list editor

04-11-17, 00:07
See post #18 http://sateliti.info/showthread.php/31225-K1-Plus-S2-T2-Tools?p=256485&viewfull=1#post256485

07-11-17, 05:56
USB_Burning_Tool_v2.1.2_x86 (http://www.mediafire.com/file/5hea3xuu2kj6kej/USB_Burning_Tool_v2.1.2_x86.rar)

07-11-17, 22:47
Te rog ajută. Ieri am cumpărat K1 plus dvb-s2 / t2. Sunt verde in acest subiect.
Problem z wyborem listi z listy Cutie C edytor listy K1Plus_0.6.5.9,
. . . . .

Close the dtv app from settings /app list
(sometime after exit from DTV the app is running in background and you can not write the data when dtv is running )

08-11-17, 12:13
No connection with KI Plus has been helped.

Nici o conexiune cu KI Plus nu a fost ajutată

23-03-18, 23:48
AMIKO MONITOR , aplicație pentru Amiko A4 [aflata in dezvoltare ] care functioneaza si cu KI (testata pe KII Pro )
link :

https://s18.postimg.cc/c5cnnomk9/AMIKO_MONITOR.png (https://postimages.org/)