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06-01-16, 22:30
Hello. I have Amiko Mini Combo. My question is, how firmwares for this receivers are writen? I mean which tools are used?
I'm familiar with programming in C and C++. I would appreciate any help.
Best regards!

06-01-16, 22:47
What model of combo do you have?
Amiko Mini Combo or Amiko Mini Combo SE?

06-01-16, 22:48
First one.

06-01-16, 22:56
Solaris based for writing (makin' firmware),crypted with AES256.
For writing on flash(RS232 interface) use this kit: software,loader and cable pinout. (https://www.sendspace.com/file/is83s3)

06-01-16, 23:01
Thanks for help.
I'm familiar with writing on flash using cable.
Can you please explain what exactly "Solaris based" mean?

06-01-16, 23:06
Solaris (operating system) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solaris_%28operating_system%29)

06-01-16, 23:17
I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm still not sure I understand. I know that Solaris is operating system, but I'm not sure what this receiver has to do with it.
Do you have maybe some tutorial explaining this? Is it possible maybe to edit existing software, like one you posted in your message?

06-01-16, 23:32
"Surface" editing is possible with some decompiling sw. made by platini(googleit).
At new softwares,with SDK4.0 , i don't know...

07-01-16, 03:17
Written in C, C++, packed with lzma,unpack maincode,possibe to decompile with IDA ,mipsl.
(Java based ,SDK).Sorry for my bad english,hope you understand...

07-01-16, 03:28
Developer envionment (SDK-ALi Ide) .
Full function developer kit(non-public)

07-01-16, 03:48
Wow! You helped me a lot! Is that environment free?
Do you have some tutorial or some book maybe explaining how to use it etc?
Best regards!

07-01-16, 03:55
"Full function developer kit(non-public) ".

07-01-16, 04:02
Oh right, I didn't notice "non-public" :)
Is it absolutely neccessary to have that Environment to write firmware? Sorry for amateur questions, I only want to learn :)

07-01-16, 04:07
Do you read, post #8 (http://sateliti.info/showthread.php/30928-Amiko-Mini-Combo-Writing-firmware?p=249764&viewfull=1#post249764) ?
konstantin explained how to... for amateur.

AMIKO_MiniHD_Combo_1.5.38_conax unpacked (http://www.filedropper.com/maincodeav)

08-01-16, 23:34
As title says, which operating system uses Amiko Mini Combo?
Best regards

08-01-16, 23:56
There is no Operating System on Amiko Mini Combo. Just firmware.

25-01-16, 01:47
No ,shit...And a firmware what is it? A "smoke flow" ,or what?

27-02-16, 15:18
Hi all, hope that someone can help me on this.

I'm having issue with Amiko Mini Combo HD.

After FW upgrade using Serial Connection, I'm not able to boot it.

The FW upgrade apparently was OK; at the end the POWER OFF appeared on the Amiko screen, but after PowerON the board cannot start anymore !!!

From Putty console I can see always same info. I suppose the bootlaoder stucks :

APP init ok
CH455 panel init OK!
g_boot_type = 0
flash init OK,flash size is:0!
boot_type = 0
boot_code = 0x9ef3fdf6
MG_Setup_CRC_Table finish.
@pointer[00030000] id[01FE0100] crc[0D61A886] != data_crc[AC889A4A]
check_program finish.

Also plugged out and plugged in the power the info are always the same...:oops:

I Tried also the following, as kindly suggested by Kosta, without luck:
unplug AC socket of receiver,load sw in to the loader,select upgrade allsw+bootloader,tick next.When appears
syncronising with target,quick plug AC.

Any other way to recover it ?
:pls:.. Help me!!!


17-04-16, 16:57
Hello, I need jtag tutorial and tools for Amiko Mini Combo. Can you help me?
Thanks in advance

17-04-16, 18:00
Not available for home users,only for service.
And is very expensive...


17-04-16, 18:20
Hello konstantine, thanks for reply. Is it available online for buying? I guess it can be used also for other receivers, not only for mini combo?
And why it is so expensive? Is there schematic of this board?

17-04-16, 18:26
I don't know.Did you try with serial(rs232) loader (http://www.mediafire.com/download/ees9aei3nmz6l47/Rescue_minicombo_hd%28ali_3612%29.rar) to "revive" mini combo?

17-04-16, 18:33
Yes, and I can't establish connection with PC...
Regarding to USB jtag you mentioned in previous post, it doesn't look so sophisticated, I really have no idea why it is so expensive :) One can probably build it if there is schematic...

17-04-16, 18:40
Almost all ALi chipset electrical diagram and schematic,is confidential.
Chinese people ,knows how to keep a secret.ALi ICE JTAG is expensive because,is
factory developer tool.

03-02-18, 22:18
Cred că știu de ce ăia de la amiko ne tratează cu indiferență atunci cand avem pretenția să folosim receptoarele conform specificațiilor tehnice: ii doare-n cur de noi ! Noi suntem romani(ignoranți-" lasa ca merge și așa") , ei scot pe bandă conserve care nu au un suport tehnic decent și conform cu legile din U.E , plus că noi , proștii și ignoranții suntem alfa și beta testeri pentru mizeriile aruncate pe piață! Să le fie rușine! Așa au făcut și cu alma: au disparut subit !

04-02-18, 11:04
toate fabricile chineze si cele de electronice in special , depind de subventiile guvernului chinez acordate in functie de cantitatea de produse exportate si de cantitatea de valuta obtinuta in urma exportului. Nu ofera suport tehnic pentru produsele lor de frica sa nu le copieze cineva mizeriile , sa nu cumva sa faca vreo firma ceea ce au facut ei in ultimii 10-15ani. Cum nu mai are cine sa le faca concurenta ,nu isi mai bat capul cu suportul soft nici daca bugurile/problemele sint semnalate de distribuitorii/vinzatorii din europa. Un model are probleme , cumperi modelul nou care nu mai are problema semnalata dar vine la pachet cu alte probleme .

10-04-19, 01:12
Actualizare ftp din local la amiko ALi(fara linux)
Materiale necesare: tel. sau tab. cu android
1.Se instaleaza apk ftp server
2. Se descarcă şi dezarhivează in memoria internă a tel. , tab softul receptorului.
3.Se accesează ramura actualizare sw.(ftp)
4. Se schimbă ip, user name şi password cu cele prestabite in aplicatia ftp server.(receptorul şi serverul ftp e musai să fie in aceeaşi reţea).

Mie mi-a fost "lene" să ma ridic din pat ca să scot hhd extern din receptor, sa-l conectez la p.c, să copiez sw. şi să repet mişcările.Am făcut un backup pe hdd, apoi am pus sw. pe ftp din local.
Spor la treabă!

10-04-19, 22:53
Eu spun doar bucurati-va de jucariile pe care le aveti!