View Full Version : Update focus

07-09-15, 06:25
Iata ca dupa o lunga vreme ma aflu din nou in imposibilitatea de a mai face update la cardul focus.
Am incercat cu oscam, chiar si cu metoda oscam+mgcamd care ma salva mereu.

am pus si scam , dar nu cred ca face nimic pe gigablue. niciodata nu mi-a functionat aceasta metoda.
am un gigablue 800 se cu openATV 5.0.
a mai patit-o careva?

07-09-15, 10:07
logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
fallbacktimeout = 2600
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 2048
waitforcards = 0
preferlocalcards = 2
dropdups = 1
block_same_name = 0
lb_mode = 1
lb_save = 100
lb_nbest_readers = 2
lb_retrylimit = 500
lb_max_readers = 3
lb_auto_betatunnel_prefer_beta= 105
lb_savepath = /tmp/.oscam/stat
lb_retrylimits = 1702:900,098C:1500,1880:600
lb_nbest_percaid = 1880:3

enabled = 1
numusers = 1
penalty = 3
aclogfile = /tmp/ac.log


port = 12010@0B02:000000
key = 0102030405060708091014131211
keepalive = 1
mgclient = 1

port = 12000
nodeid = CBBA51F6106C157C
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 2
stealth = 1

enabled = 1
pmt_mode = 6
au = 1
user = gigablue
boxtype = dreambox

Asta configul pe care l-am folosit intotdeauna si a mers pana acum.
primeste emm , dau refresh entitlements...nimic.
Am si reincarcat sambata. tot aia.
am incercat si oscam+mgcamd , la fel...
config mgcamd si newcamd :

# EMM messages
# 00 don't show any EMMs (default)
# 01 show only valid EMMs
# 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display
M: { 01 }

# ECM messages
# 00 don't show anything about ecm
# 01 normal mode, show pids processed, decoded ecm and cw
# 02 verbose mode, show valid and bad ECMs with data
C: { 02 }

# AU
# 00 disable, no emm pids processed
# 01 enable, emm pids always processed for soft-au and shared cards
# 02 auto, emm started only if channel cant be decoded
# 03 process emm pids for network cards update only
A: { 01 }

# key update (sum 01 or 02 with 04)
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
# 04 enable TPS au
# + tps SID, which pmt pid contains au pid
U: { 01 } 0x12c0

# config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority)
# 00 files in /var/keys
# 01 files in /tmp
T: { 00 }

# network mode, use summ for several clients
# 00 no network (default)
# 01 newcamd netclient
# 02 radegast netclient
# 04 camd3 netclient
# 08 gbox netclient
G: { 01 }

# network retry, use summ for several options
# 00 disable
# 01 retry every new ecm
# 02 try to connect to offline shares every Q: seconds
# 04 try to detect and fast reconnect to lost (and not used atm) server
# + XX messages number and YY seconds to reconnect
# mg will reconnect to server, if no answer to last XX ecm/keepalive or
# if no answer for last ecm or keepalive sent for YY seconds
# set to 0 to disable
N: { 07 } 5 30

# network ecm timeout in seconds
K: { 05 }

# newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec
Q: { 600 }

# network shares priority
# 00 gbox, newcamd, radegast, camd3 (default)
# 01 camd3, radegast, newcamd, gbox
# 02 newcamd, camd3, gbox, radegast
P: { 00 }

# on screen display type
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 neutrino
# 02 enigma
# 03 relook
# + user password for http auth
O: { 00 } username password

# on screen display Options, summ of:
# 01 show emu ecm
# 02 show network shares messages
# 04 show decoding failed / fta
# 08 show emm keys update
# + web port to use for osd
S: { 03 } 80

# Log option, summ of:
# 00 off
# 01 network udp log
# 02 log to console
# 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd
# + IP udp-port log-file-name
L: { 03 } 28007 /tmp/mgcamd.log

# keep ecm cache, seconds
# every cache entry takes 28 bytes, so 24h cache will take *only* 240-400kb of memory,
# for openbox/elanvision users with remote shares make sense to set it higher than default value,
# to not hammer cards while timeshifting or playing crypted recordings.
E: { 15 }

# cache option, summ of:
# 00 Off (default)
# 01 Ecm pids cache, store pids used to decode in /tmp/ca_cache.list at exit, load at startup, same syntax as restore.list
# 02 Ecm data cache, remember CW for (E:) time
# 04 Emm cache for network cards, do not resend the same emm twice, cache not cleared until restart
H: { 07 }

# reread files, summ of:
# 00 No (default)
# 01 reread config file on channel change (including priority and ignore, but not replace/cache)
# 02 reread SoftCam.Key on channel change
# 04 reread SoftCam.Key if file changed
R: { 00 }

# debug, summ of
# 00 off (default)
# 01 debug ecm
# 02 debug emm
# 04 debug network ecm
# 08 debug network emm
# 16 debug network login
# 32 show mem/cpu stats every 1 min
# 64 add timestamp to log messages
D: { 00 }

# box type
# 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.
# 01 dbox2
# 02 dreambox
# 03 triple-dragon
# 04 relook
# 05 openbox
B: { 06 }

CWS = 12010 update 1234 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 14 13 12 11

07-09-15, 10:28
In receptorul de la focos n-ai incercat?Sau in altul care stie conax...

07-09-15, 10:34
nu am si nici nu stiu pe nimeni care sa aiba :(
am mai avut probleme in trecut, dar mereu functiona oscam+mgcamd.

07-09-15, 14:47
Eu am trecut la CCcam de la Oscam.
Dar pentru update am un scam cu ceva cifre dupa el.Verific acasa si iti spun.Ideeea este ca pe data de 2 ale luni sa il treci pe acel soft (scam....) selectezi TVR 1 si il lasi ceva timp (eu il las 15 minute) si apoi vezi restul.
Cel mai bun la update la mine a fost Amiko A3.

07-09-15, 14:58
din ce stiu eu scam nu a functionat niciodata pe gigablue 800 se.
il incerc si pe asta , dar ma indoiesc ca face ceva din moment ce prin oscam+mgcamd primesc EMM shared si tot nu se actualizeaza nimic.

07-09-15, 18:56
Poate e de la versiunea de oscam. Am patit-o recent, pune unul nitel mai vechi.
Nu ai pus cfg de server si de user (dvbapi)
Ce apare acum la entitlement?
Ultimul AU l-am facut cu oscam r10957, anterior lui au fost niste versiuni cu care am avut probleme la AU

07-09-15, 18:58
Entitlements for focus

Valid To
IRD ID (nagra)

00 00 00 00 (sysid)



3B 24 00 30 42 30 30

Start Date
Expire Date

cam asta...si nu pare ok deloc

07-09-15, 20:37
Vezi ca ai postat seria cardului in hex!!
Arata si restul de setari si vers de oscam

07-09-15, 20:50
r10978 am pus acum.aveam 1094x si ceva... nu mai stiu exact ultima cifra

label = focus
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 0B02
services = familia
ecmwhitelist = 4C
detect = cd
mhz = 500
group = 1,6
emmcache = 1,1,2
lb_weight = 500

user = update
pwd = 1234
au = focus
group = 1,2,3,4

07-09-15, 21:00
label = focu
protocol = smartreader
device = 002:005
pincode = 1234
services = familia,mozaic,cinema,sport,!filmbox,!panonia,!b02
lb_whitelist_services = familia,mozaic,cinema,sport
autospeed = 0
caid = 0B02
ecmnotfoundlimit = 10
ecmwhitelist = 0B02:4C,53
ecmheaderwhitelist = 0B02:81704970424320,80704970424320,80705070496321,81705070496321
detect = cd
mhz = 961
cardmhz = 369
ident = 0B02:000000
group = 4
emmcache = 1,3,2,0
lb_weight = 800

user = duo2
pwd = dvbapi
uniq = 2
monlevel = 4
suppresscmd08 = 1
umaxidle = 0
au = 1
emmreassembly = 1
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
preferlocalcards = 2
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 0
cccignorereshare = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
pmt_mode = 0
ecminfo_type = 1
user = duo2
read_sdt = 2
write_sdt_prov = 1
boxtype = dreambox

07-09-15, 21:06
ai facut recent au cu setarile astea? intreb asta pentru ca la "account" AU nu poate fi "1"...ci doar labelul la reader, in speta "focu"

07-09-15, 21:20
:eek2: ... logic!

Oricum ale tale sunt gresite si nu vei vedea cu ele decat cateva canale!
Daca reusesti, indiferent cum sa faci Au nu vei deschide decat putine canale din familia.

07-09-15, 21:27
lamureste-ma ce e gresit...in afara de ecmwhitelist la care chiar nu ma pricep si probabil e cum ai tu.
deocamdata nu vad nimic :)) . nu face update de nici un chip.
i-am mai bagat acu 70 de EMM shared cu mgcamd... rezultatul e acelasi: No entitlements...

07-09-15, 21:41
Da, ala e gresit.
Fa AU cu userul dvbapi nu cu mgcam

07-09-15, 22:06
am facut.
no entitlements...

08-09-15, 07:31
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emm) emm:
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emm) 82 70 82 00 00 00 00 2B 8B 80 70 79 64 10 71 24
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emm) AA 5C BA A5 A4 3B 8C 6C DF A3 A3 32 7E C3 98 EC
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emm) B0 8B A3 DC 17 29 E1 50 48 9B 83 22 BB B8 D4 5A
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emm) 20 63 D0 45 13 45 44 3C 10 98 82 43 50 CE 2D D6
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emm) 60 A6 E0 34 D1 FE 43 8D AD 14 69 85 B3 39 F7 FD
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emm) 6B E1 EB B8 8A 5F 72 32 52 F7 07 3E 33 9D FF F1
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emm) D4 C5 93 F4 DB 8E 80 73 71 3C BA CF 25 A1 EB 13
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emm) 2B B6 B1 DA 1B E0 D1 AF D0 71 6B DB 99 5B 2B BC
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emm) DC 55 97 E1 DE
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: reader 0B02 match since emmpid has no provid -> SEND!
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: Entered conax_get_emm_type ep->emm[2]=82
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emmtype shared. Reader serial ################.
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm UA/SA: ################.
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmcache match
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emmcache) C4 D5 FA 74 DE 6E CB ED CA 04 CF 46 C1 97 C5 CD
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmstat match (reader:focus, count:3)
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (emmcache) C4 D5 FA 74 DE 6E CB ED CA 04 CF 46 C1 97 C5 CD
2015/09/08 07:28:05 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm count 3 rewrite 3
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (emm) C5 DA 3C 51 62 65 6C FE 36 4A 5B D5 6B B4 1C 03
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (emm) FC 0D 8B A8 B1 5E 74 99 5E 7F 85 AB B9 C2 47 06
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (emm) AD 4B 42 9F 89
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: reader 0B02 match since emmpid has no provid -> SEND!
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: Entered conax_get_emm_type ep->emm[2]=82
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emmtype shared. Reader serial ################.
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm UA/SA: ################.
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmcache match
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (emmcache) 0D 79 04 D2 F7 3C 4C B7 36 20 EA 0B 96 B2 42 46
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmstat match (reader:focus, count:3)
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (emmcache) 0D 79 04 D2 F7 3C 4C B7 36 20 EA 0B 96 B2 42 46
2015/09/08 07:28:10 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm count 3 rewrite 3
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 Filter 2 fetched emm data
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emm) emm:
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emm) 82 70 82 00 00 00 00 2B 8B 80 70 79 64 10 5A 18
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emm) 91 A4 6B 42 5C 9D 8C F9 8F AE 2B 8D AF B0 00 F2
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emm) 27 60 E3 80 A9 3D C8 39 22 23 09 90 C9 A9 04 7B
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emm) A2 84 9B ED 0D AB 43 05 22 BD A3 B8 94 88 AE FD
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emm) 23 57 8E 29 9A 84 99 2C D0 5F B6 E0 AE 08 3A 83
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emm) AD B3 99 F3 1F 87 E4 F0 71 C8 25 E3 C1 BB C6 FA
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emm) 04 46 43 EA 30 FE 88 45 D3 87 06 90 E6 1E E9 4D
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emm) 42 4D E8 EB 82 82 C7 73 A7 AA E6 A0 BE 16 74 F2
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emm) 22 41 3D 7B 89
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: reader 0B02 match since emmpid has no provid -> SEND!
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: Entered conax_get_emm_type ep->emm[2]=82
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emmtype shared. Reader serial ################.
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm UA/SA: ################.
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmcache match
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emmcache) 85 C6 A5 0F BD 9E 49 2A AE EE 26 E4 75 1B 3E 1F
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmstat match (reader:focus, count:3)
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (emmcache) 85 C6 A5 0F BD 9E 49 2A AE EE 26 E4 75 1B 3E 1F
2015/09/08 07:28:52 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm count 3 rewrite 3
2015/09/08 07:29:26 6FE5C90B r (reader) focus [conax] gigablue emmtype=shared, len=130 (hex: 0x82), cnt=3: written (406 ms)
2015/09/08 07:29:30 6FE5C90B r (reader) focus [conax] gigablue emmtype=shared, len=130 (hex: 0x82), cnt=3: written (254 ms)
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 Filter 2 fetched emm data
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emm) emm:
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emm) 82 70 82 00 00 00 00 2B 8B 80 70 79 64 10 59 8F
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emm) E2 B1 4C D8 FB 47 21 CF 5B AC 8C 60 09 FE B9 DB
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emm) 3B FB 10 93 B5 7D 14 3B 28 AE 3E CB 76 35 97 FC
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emm) 85 1D 50 E9 37 B8 A2 A4 E3 0A 4B E2 29 E4 17 27
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emm) B3 D6 93 0C 36 05 38 3E B7 52 7F 3F 28 B6 20 70
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emm) CB 7F 88 7B A2 74 91 AA CE 85 19 31 E6 F6 38 C1
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emm) D1 03 6C 71 69 FA B8 C5 00 F1 BB D6 C3 2D 4B 7A
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emm) FF 53 5A F5 05 50 BC F9 E6 B8 28 8F 67 C1 5A 99
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emm) 93 C2 5F 57 26
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: reader 0B02 match since emmpid has no provid -> SEND!
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: Entered conax_get_emm_type ep->emm[2]=82
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emmtype shared. Reader serial ################.
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm UA/SA: ################.
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmcache match
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emmcache) 9D E2 2F 6B 76 8F 4D C7 A9 FF D2 22 6F A3 6D C3
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmstat match (reader:focus, count:3)
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (emmcache) 9D E2 2F 6B 76 8F 4D C7 A9 FF D2 22 6F A3 6D C3
2015/09/08 07:29:52 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm count 3 rewrite 3
2015/09/08 07:29:55 131E1E2D c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 Filter 2 fetched emm data
2015/09/08 07:29:55 131E1E2D c (emm) emm:
2015/09/08 07:29:55 131E1E2D c (emm) 82 70 82 00 00 00 00 2B 8B 80 70 79 64 10 81 67
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (emm) 2A 47 9C 7C 02 F9 DA AD D3 D8 7D BB 2B AD 44 A0
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (emm) FD 25 EB 86 8F
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: reader 0B02 match since emmpid has no provid -> SEND!
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: Entered conax_get_emm_type ep->emm[2]=82
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emmtype shared. Reader serial ################.
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm UA/SA: ################.
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmcache match
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (emmcache) 0B 9E 60 BD 73 72 69 49 CA 81 0D 18 2A DA FE 5A
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmstat match (reader:focus, count:2)
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (emmcache) 0B 9E 60 BD 73 72 69 49 CA 81 0D 18 2A DA FE 5A
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm count 2 rewrite 3
2015/09/08 07:30:01 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm is being sent to reader
2015/09/08 07:30:01 6FE5C90B r (emmcache) found emmcache match
2015/09/08 07:30:01 6FE5C90B r (emmcache) 0B 9E 60 BD 73 72 69 49 CA 81 0D 18 2A DA FE 5A
2015/09/08 07:30:01 6FE5C90B r (emmcache) found emmstat match (reader:focus, count:2)
2015/09/08 07:30:01 6FE5C90B r (emmcache) 0B 9E 60 BD 73 72 69 49 CA 81 0D 18 2A DA FE 5A
2015/09/08 07:30:01 6FE5C90B r (reader) focus [conax] local emm reader
2015/09/08 07:30:06 6FE5C90B r (reader) focus [conax] gigablue emmtype=shared, len=130 (hex: 0x82), cnt=3: written (253 ms)
2015/09/08 07:30:10 6FE5C90B r (reader) focus [conax] gigablue emmtype=shared, len=130 (hex: 0x82), cnt=3: written (254 ms)
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (emm) 4C 5B BC 3D 5A 29 C8 8B E9 15 7C E5 F1 12 97 29
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (emm) D5 1B F5 53 E2 2B 7C 87 08 1C 86 44 4C 5F DB 39
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (emm) 0B 72 9B 16 AD 1F 10 E2 F1 68 3C 66 E9 7D 41 8D
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (emm) 2A F1 09 A3 39 B0 B3 4D 00 8C B4 0A E8 E8 39 8E
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (emm) 76 E9 CF 75 C9 B5 91 A1 8E CC B5 78 4D 6A CB AB
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (emm) B1 1C 89 A5 B7 95 0A A5 FE EE FD 81 60 98 40 1E
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (emm) EB BB 2F 89 13
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: reader 0B02 match since emmpid has no provid -> SEND!
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: Entered conax_get_emm_type ep->emm[2]=b2
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emmtype shared. Reader serial ################.
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm UA/SA: ################.
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmcache match
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (emmcache) C6 CE 68 29 63 42 14 49 73 C0 9E B3 FE D5 D1 59
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (emmcache) found emmstat match (reader:focus, count:3)
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (emmcache) C6 CE 68 29 63 42 14 49 73 C0 9E B3 FE D5 D1 59
2015/09/08 07:30:29 131E1E2D c (reader) focus [conax] EMM: emm count 3 rewrite 3
2015/09/08 07:30:37 6FE5C90B r (reader) focus [conax] gigablue emmtype=shared, len=130 (hex: 0x82), cnt=3: written (260 ms)
2015/09/08 07:30:41 6FE5C90B r (reader) focus [conax] gigablue emmtype=shared, len=130 (hex: 0x82), cnt=3: written (252 ms

o bucata de debug...daca ajuta cu ceva

08-09-15, 10:39
Fa o captura de ecran cu readerul, sa se vada cate emm-uri de tip G etc au fost trimise spre card si cate scrise.

08-09-15, 10:53
http://s10.postimg.cc/aivxibevp/untitled.jpg (http://postimg.cc/image/aivxibevp/)
in momentul asta nici unul.
azi dimineata am incercat ultima data si erau la written in jur de 70, dar toate de tip "S"

08-09-15, 11:10
Daca esti sigur ca ai dat bine SMS, sterge toate limitarile de la reader inclusiv CAID si reia procedura.
Lucreaza numai din WEBIF, nu mai edita manual filele.

08-09-15, 12:55
multumesc pentru ajutor , dar a fost exclusiv vina mea cu putin ajutor din partea conjucturii.
dar nu a fost asa. vazand ca nu merge am zis sa reincarc din nou. eu folosesc platforma lor de la o vreme pentru reincarcare, fiind mult mai simplu procesul.
ZILDAN EDIT: tine pt tine ce am sters
cum anterior ma chinuisem sa fac update si nu am reusit, fiind si presat de timp, am uitat ca dupa reincarcare trebuie activat pachetul de pe site-ul lor.
in concluzie am patit-o ca in filme cu prosti. zildan, daca nu mentionai de SMS ma chinuiam pana la anul...

14-01-16, 14:34
Poate e de la versiunea de oscam. Am patit-o recent, pune unul nitel mai vechi.
Nu ai pus cfg de server si de user (dvbapi)
Ce apare acum la entitlement?
Ultimul AU l-am facut cu oscam r10957, anterior lui au fost niste versiuni cu care am avut probleme la AU

ai te rog aceasta varianta pentru dreambox 7020S, powerpc? nu gasesc :(
ma lupt si eu de citeva de zile cu AU si numai nu reusesc, variantele de oscam noi numai citesc cardu de Focussat :(

please help!!!

14-01-16, 20:43
Oscam pentru dreambox aici (https://mega.nz/#!X8FTTATA!eVAx9jxMNcaZPuSI4IonSEeEwpx3rHJXKR-lngXHToA)
Config pentru focus,tvrvia,si tvr conax aici (https://mega.nz/#!Glkm2Awa!YhL91QfogtOimiv3O82OZcGT3r3dtvi9-mxrdMdun0o)

15-01-16, 10:59
imi lipseste libusb...oare nu ai fara usb? nu am smargo, nu mi-ar trebui cu usb suport

15-01-16, 15:29
fara libusb aici (https://mega.nz/#!vlUQlCwZ!Ye0pLAxKW9WJ8RKaEcGgIi77OJ1jh0QK00xeSvss4wM)

19-01-16, 10:47
Acesta functioneaza, dar nu citeste cardul de focus ... :( este oare alta configuratie pentru aceasta versiune???

19-01-16, 13:51
posteaza logul cand pornesti readearul din webif , nu stiu exact frecventele pentru dream

20-01-16, 16:49
nu e vorba de frecventa, zice clar dupa ATR, card system not supported

20-01-16, 18:07
pai mai ramane sa incerci mai noi sau mai vechi, desi nu cred ca e asta.
Intri pe un proxy aici (http://hideme.be/) apoi navighezi catre download.oscam.cc
vezi daca oscamul iti urca la mhz
Cam asta ar trebui sa ai
PowerPC (http://wiki.openpli.org/PowerPC/edit) dreamboxes: DM500(+),DM600,DM7000,DM7020:

mhz = 3150
cardmhz = 500