View Full Version : Oscam Version Auto Update on Dreambox Vu+ e2 box

29-05-14, 12:23
Oscam is an open-source project and the developers constantly update the SVn

If you are a freak about having your devices up to date then you can use this script that downloads the latest version of Oscam for your box and installs it.

The script supports 3 platforms : powerpc-tuxbox, mips-tuxbox and mips-wrt45g.

The default START and STOP command use the script “/usr/script/oscam.emu” which is the one present at the box where I developed the script.
You need to adapt this commands to use your own scripts. Usually they are present in /usr/script or /var/script.

Download this script and upload it to the “/usr/script” or “/var/script” folder on dreambox and set the permissions to 755.

After configuring the script, you can update using telnet to the box and execute the command “sh /usr/script/oscam-update.shsh /var/script/oscam-update.sh”

Download via ulc.
