View Full Version : Gbox+Mgcamd

08-02-08, 22:33
poate cineva sa ma ajute cu aceasta combinatie?
un link daca se poate...
din auzite stiu ca trebuie modificat scriptul
mentionez ca am image gemini 4.20
Va multzumesc mult

08-02-08, 22:35

09-02-08, 02:36
Subiect fff interesant, am reusit dar...cum fac sa imi vada ''virtualele din mgcam'' ceilalti peers ?

http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/1707/seeeeac7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

09-02-08, 12:22
mie nu i-mi arata peeri
i-mi zice( tmp/share.onl not found make sure gbox is running and that there
is sufficient space
tu ce script folosesti?
poti sa-l pui aici ?

09-02-08, 12:40
Scriptul gbox_mgcamd_cam.sh


remove_tmp () {
rm -rf /tmp/*info* /tmp/*gbox* /tmp/*online* /tmp/*share* /tmp/*attack* /tmp/*debug*
rm -rf /tmp/*.info* /tmp/*.tmp* /tmp/*mgcamd*

case "$1" in
echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
/var/bin/gbox &
sleep 10
/var/bin/mgcamd &
echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
killall -9 mgcamd gbox 2>/dev/null
$0 stop
exit 0

exit 0

09-02-08, 13:32
Aveti AICI (http://www.sendspace.com/file/lqsx51) tot ce trebuie, inclusiv tutorial! THX to @ovidiumarius!

09-02-08, 18:24
Dar pe nabilo ...? Cum trebuie bagat ? GP 4.0 face figuri mari la diseq si trec pe nabilo .

09-02-08, 19:25
mersi mult.
Acest forum este super!
Asa trebuie sa ne ajutam cind se poate!
Pe alt forum romanesc ( nu ii spun numele ca il stitzi si voi)
este numai batjocura si nu se stie care e mai jmecher.
Inca odata mersi mult la totzi care a-ti participat la acest Thread

09-02-08, 19:39
o sa incerc si pe nabilo (il am pe usb)
pe gemini merge bine.
o sa te anuntz daca o sa reusesc cu nabilo sau nu

09-02-08, 20:00
Am modificat in nabilo aici /var/etc smartcam.config

# osd-name n = <softCAM OSD Name>
# emulator n = <softCAM Description>
# camd n = <CAMD binary>
# daemon n = <daemon binary>;<daemon binary>;<daemon binary>; etc etc
# kill n = <extra process that needs killing>;<extra process that needs killing>; etc etc
# sleep n = <time in seconds to wait between daemon launches
# zap-sleep n = <time in seconds to wait between first daemon launch and zap>
# Where n is the softCAM number 1 - 10
osd-name 1 = Common Interface
emulator 1 = Common Interface
camd 1 =
daemon 1 =
kill 1 =
sleep 1 =
zap-sleep 1 =

osd-name 2= mgcamd
emulator 2= mgcamd
camd 2=
daemon 2= mgcamd
kill 2=
sleep 2= 5
zap-sleep 2= 5

osd-name 3= gbox/mgcamd
emulator 3= gbox/mgcamd
camd 3=
daemon 3= gbox;mgcamd
kill 3=
sleep 3= 10
zap-sleep 3= 10

# End of SoftCam List

campath = /var/bin/
defaultSoftCam = 3

# Remembered providers and channels

si aici var/bin startCAM dar cred ca nu era nevoie

/var/bin/gbox &
/bin/sleep 10
/var/bin/mgcamd &

in rest totul e ca la gemini

09-02-08, 21:01
nu gasesc pe (nabilo image) unde este pus
gbox_cam.sh care trebuie sters.(la mine nu este in var/script)

09-02-08, 21:39
Nu e nevoie sa bagi gbox_mgcamd.sh
Bagi in key si in bin ce e de bagat si modifici scriptul ce l-am pus aici.

10-02-08, 12:08
mersi mult.
Acest forum este super!
Asa trebuie sa ne ajutam cind se poate!
Pe alt forum romanesc ( nu ii spun numele ca il stitzi si voi)
este numai batjocura si nu se stie care e mai jmecher.
Inca odata mersi mult la totzi care a-ti participat la acest Thread

Ai dreptate ...pe alt forum romanesc au uitat care este scopul unui forum.....
si il folosesc doar pt a se lauda si certa DAR FARA a impartasi prea multa infomatiue utila...e stupid..si cei care doar iau cu copy/paste ceva , dupa aia devin super eroi si jmecheri dar fara a lasa informatia sa fie sheruita....

10-02-08, 12:54
intrebare : cel de-al doile gbox este off in orice conditii ?

10-02-08, 13:13
Este acelasi gbox doar ca foloseste script diferit , de ex cum este mgcamd si mgcamd+ roland sau mgcamd+newcs.

10-02-08, 13:45
mersi mult!
acum merge si pe nabilo image.
aseara cautam de nebun sa sterg gbox_cam.sh
si sa-l inlocuiesc cu celalalt dar nu este nevoie
asa cum ai modificat tu merge perfect
Duminica placuta la totzi membrii acestui forum!!!!!

10-02-08, 14:43
Nu reusesc sa intru cu nabilo sa descarc addons....ia vezi daca merge .

10-02-08, 19:48
ti-am raspuns pe pm
merge dar foarte greu.
trebuie sa incerci de f multe ori
nu stiu daca poate fi serverul lor sau combinatia
gbox/mgcamd:agresiv: :agresiv: :agresiv: :agresiv:

10-02-08, 19:50
dupa ce am downloadat cu greu gbox suite nu pot sa-l deschid.
nu stii din ce cauza?

22-02-08, 09:06
In cwshare.cfg pot sa am mai multe linii M? De fapt doua. Una pentru artificiul asta mgcamd+gbox si alta efectiv ptr. sharing?
M: { IP dream { parola1 }}
M: { xxxx.dyndns.org { parola2 }}

xxxx.dyndns.org ==> adresa contului meu de dyndns
E bine asa? sau nu?

22-02-08, 12:37
Cum e corect?

22-02-08, 13:24
In cwshare nu poti avea doua linii M.
Aceea e linie D pentru gbox+mgcamd!
Pentru a putea folosi separat gbox de gbox+mgcamd iti mai trebuie un script de pornire in var/script doar pentru gbox2.1b (gbox_cam.sh)

18-03-08, 03:04
am pus sciptul postat de maximuss si si cel din arhiva postata de Einstein
dar nu porneste nici gboxu si nici mgcamd daca ma uit in telnet cu ps
cand dau start la script din blue panel nu se intampla nimica
gbox simplu merge
mgcamd simplu merge
am copiat restu fisierelor peer.cfgm, mg_cfg, si priority. le-am editat zic eu corect
am incercat pe gp 4.0.0 si 4.3.1 lafel

daca dau in telenet direct "/bin/sh /var/script/gbox_mgcamd_cam.sh start" atunci cu cateva erori dar porneste

a mai patit cineva lafel ? sau ma poate ajuta cineva sal pornesc ?

18-03-08, 08:06
Ia-o de la capat si respecta instructiunile pas cu pas.Instaleaza gbox ,nimic altceva,si peste pui arhiva de la Einstein.

11-07-08, 20:54
Postul tau @Ibiza se afla aici: http://www.sateliti.org/showthread.php?t=1182
Ai grija unde postezi!

11-07-08, 22:11
Uite aici ce trebuie ptr gbox-mgcamd

gbox2.1bmgcamdgbox2.25r142mgcamd_full.rar - 1.43MB (http://www.zshare.net/download/15124875c3337eb1/)

23-08-08, 14:13
Am pus versiunea gbox2.25r142mgcamd pusa mai sus de @maximus si la prima vedere totul pare ok... totusi apar cateva probleme...
1- Imediat dupa instalare gbox-ului si actualizarea key-lor cu haksat, decodarea s-a facut prin "emu" la ce exita key iar restul prin "card local" si "net"
Dupa mai multe restartari a aparut problema, adica, decodarea prov. la care exista key se face prin "emu" pentru cateva sec dupa care trece in "net" si decodare o face prin linia D: locala adaugata in cwshare si apar scurte blocari la 10-15sec

2 - anumiti peer acum apar offline si cate odata intreaga lista este off cu toate ca decodez de la ei...

3 - Am eliminat linia pentru N3 din ignorlist si tot nu vad nici un card N3

Ma poate ajuta si pe mine cineva....?

23-08-08, 18:44
Baga mai bine versiunea gbox 2.1b , e mult mai stabila .

24-08-08, 11:04
Dupa o zi de rulat nua combinatie pot sa spun ca este destul de stabila:)
dar mai persiste problema cu emu pe gigi TV, adica, initial incearca sa decodeze din emu iar dupa 10-20sec trece in net pe linia D: interna si dupa alte 10-20sec trece din nou in emu si apare acel scurt blocaj si povestea se repeta....
O alta ciudatenie, pe premiere decodeaza din emu dar pe anumite canale apare ca sistem de codare N3
Si inca o intrebare referitoare la linia O: din gbox_cfg...

O: { 03 } 192.xxx.xx.xxx user=root pass=jjjjjjjjjjjjjj
O: { 03 } 192.xxx.xx.xxx root jjjjjjjjjjjjjj

care din cele doua linii este corecta???

24-08-08, 13:38
Asta cred ca e cea mai corecta:
O: { 00 }

24-08-08, 21:15
La mine am asa mg_cfg:

M: { 01 }
C: { 02 }
A: { 02 }
U: { 05 }
T: { 00 }
G: { 08 }
N: { 07 } 5 30
K: { 05 }
Q: { 600 }
P: { 00 }
O: { 00 } user parola ===> aici cum ai la dream user si pass
S: { 03 } 80
L: { 03 } 28007 /tmp/mgcamd.log ===> IP-ul tau de la dream
E: { 15 }
H: { 07 }
R: { 04 }
D: { 00 }
B: { 02 }

Merge perfect cu aceasta configuratie la mine!

24-08-08, 21:53
Da.Sunt bune setarile din mg_cfg.Dar el vrea linia O din gbox_cfg. :lol:
Sau cel putin asa am inteles eu!!!

24-08-08, 21:55
Acolo am asa:

O: { 03 } ===> IP-ul dream

W: { 00 00 } 9600
G: { 03 }
C: { 01 }
M: { 00}
A: { 01 }
U: { 01 }
H: { 01 }
T: { 00 }
L: { 00 } 8029
Z: { 00 12 } 8024
V: { F0 35 }

24-08-08, 22:03
La mine cu O: { 03 } ip dream, este enervant.Imi arata mereu pe ecranul TV un mesaj.Sa stau mereu sa anulez mesajul....e...ce sa mai....nu ma satisface!!!
O: { 00 } cel mai bine!

25-08-08, 09:51
/ / mbox.cfg explicaţie şi exemple

B: (0)

/ / B: (x)
/ / x = 0 -> dezactivează locale porturile UDP 8004-80xx, acest porturi sunt folosite cu placii si gbox dop (Windows şi Linux)
/ / x = 1 -> activează
/ / implicit de a dezactiva

Z: (12)) ( 8000

/ / Z opţiunea -> trimiterea de control / scris actuale informatii
/ / Z: XY) ((IP port)
/ / X = 0 -> nu de imprimare timp de timbru (in consola de depanare cu ecran şi in fişier)
/ / X = 1 -> de imprimare timp de timbru (....)
/ / Y = 0 -> nu scris / trimiterea de informatii pentru a depana fişierul / IP de destinaţie
/ / Y = 1 -> trimite informatii la destinaţie de IP, dar nu in fişierul de depanare
/ / Y = 2 -> informatii pentru a scrie fişierul de depanare, dar nu trimite la destinaţie IP
/ / Y = 3 -> scrie / trimite informaţii de depanare pentru a fişierului / IP de destinaţie
/ / Portul de IP -> destinaţie de IP şi portul UDP in cazul in care pentru a trimite informatii
/ / Nu implicit

C #: 7999) (

/ / C opţiunea -> control la primirea unor mesaje de comandă local sau de pe un alt IP
/ / C: (IP port)
/ / IP-> dvs. de IP local sau vă DNS
/ / Port -> pe ce port va fi aşteaptă comandă de mesaje
/ / Nu implicit

U: (1)

/ / U Options -> Update peer (e) in cazul in care IP-peer de modificări in timp ce incă resending ECM's / CW etc. informaţii
/ / Implicit numai pe hello peer mesaj (e) de IP sunt actualizate!!!
/ / U: (x)
/ / X = 0 -> dezactivat
/ / X = 1 -> activată
/ / Implicit dezactivat

L: (1)

/ / L opţiunea -> cum să mbox virtual de carte de menage (e) cu nivel 0
/ / (Numai pentru peer (e) care au si poate reshare cardurile virtuale, dar nu doriţi să utilizaţi cartea de nivel 0 (e) pentru a le auto)
/ / L: (x)
/ / X = 0 -> nu incarca nici cu cardurile virtuale de nivel 0, nu aveţi posibilitatea să le folosească pentru auto
/ / X = 1 -> incarca cu toate cardurile virtuale de nivel 0, pe care il veţi folosi pentru a le dvs. auto
/ / Implicit 1

T: (0)

/ / T opţiunea -> unde să stocaţi fişierele de temp ... (share.info, debug.txt, etc)
/ / T: (folder_path_to_files, de exemplu: T: (/ tmp /))
/ / Default 0 ===> calea folderului in cazul in care fişierul este mbox.xxx!!!!

K: (0)

/ / K opţiunea -> unde este cwshare.cfg fişier
/ / K: (folder_path_to_files, de exemplu: K: (/ var / keys /))
/ / Default 0 ===> calea folderului in cazul in care fişierul este mbox.xxx!!!!

E: (1)

/ / E opţiunea -> dezactivează acelaşi cartele de la colegii de breaslă
/ / E: (x)
/ / X = 0 -> cardurile de utilizare acelaşi (boxids) de la colegii de breaslă
/ / X = 1 -> nu folosiţi aceeaşi carduri (boxids) de la colegii de breaslă
/ / Implicit 1

M: (1)

/ / M opţiunea -> Mod opţiunea
/ / M: (x)
/ / X = 0 -> Mod locale nu NET
/ / X = 1 -> Mod de NET
/ / Default 0

P: (/ tmp / pmt.tmp)

/ / P opţiunea -> PMT locaţie (Dont folosite cu Linux si Windows)
/ / Trebuie să fie pe reglate astfel incat să canal de tip imagine pot genera acest fişier
/ / (/ Tmp / pmt.tmp) pentru resivers şi imagini care crea acest fişier <- utilizaţi această dacă puteţi
/ / 1/tmp/camd.socket (1) pentru enigma
/ /) (2/tmp/camd.socket pentru enigma 2

25-08-08, 09:58
Gobi aste sunt de la Mbox!
Noi discutam de Gbox si mgcamd....

25-08-08, 10:36
Cam asta face linia O din gbox_cfg:

On Screen Display for the Multysystemcam on COM1/COM2
00 No OSD
01 Display Smartcard messages in Neutrino
02 Display Smartcard messages in Neutrino new nhttpd format
03 Display Smartcard messages in Enigma
mypass (use user=root and pass=mypass for nhttpd)

Acum ramane la latitudinea fiecaruia cum seteaza linia O.

25-08-08, 15:50
Multumesc pentru explicatii:)
am refacut setarile asa cum sunt mai sus si s-a rezolvat oarecum problema cu emulatorul in sensul ca nu mai apar acele scurte blocaje pe imagine dar ar mai fi o problema... partenerii de share nu vad nici un card de la mine(apar cu galben)

25-08-08, 18:08

# gbox config file created by @tonytr dvbsat.org team

# Trace/Debug
# xx yz ; xx=00 no konsole output
# xx yz ; xx=01 konsole output
# xx yz ; y=0 debug output (don't use)
# xx yz ; y=1 no debug output
# xx yz ; z=0 ouput to konsole
# xx yz ; z=1 output to /var/tmp/debug.txt
# xx yz ; z=2 Output to UDP (to capture with gboxt)

Z: { 01 12 } ipdream 8024

# Task type
# 00 ** normal mode gbox mode (no season, use Multicam instead)
# 01 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 0602 nonZ
# 10 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1702 nonZ
# 11 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1702 Z
# 12 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1722 Z
# 13 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1762 Z
# ** *1 Com port to use for season emulatiom (1 or 2)
# ** 0* Use CTS fr RST detection
# ** 1* Use DCD fr RST detection
# ** ** 9600 = Baudrate to be used (working only on dbox2)
W: { 00 00 } 9600

# gbox working mode
# 00 pure Emu
# 01 pure SoftCam (when card inside), Emu (when no card inside)
# 02 pure Net Client
# 03 Mixed mode !!!!! always use this !!!!!
G: { 03 }

# Display ECM messages on Konsole
# 00 don't show any ECM's
# 01 show only valid ECM's
# 02 show valid and bad ECM's with complete data display
C: { 01 }

# Display EMM messages on Konsole
# *0 don't show any EMM's
# *1 show only valid EMM's
# *2 show valid and bad EMM's with complete data display
# 1* Log any tier change on PW-Nagra-17xx cards into /var/keys/pwupdate.log
M: { 02 }

# AutoUpdate
# 00 is ignored (default)
# 01 enable AU
# 02 Auto AU !!!!! always use this !!!!!
A: { 01 }

# Key update
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
U: { 02 }

# Hash pids
# 01 hash only pids with implemented algos and available keys !!!!! always use this !!!!!
H: { 01 }

# Key files folder
# 00 keyfiles in /var/keys
# 01 keyfiles in /var/tmp
T: { 00 }

# On Screen Display for the Multysystemcam on com1/com2
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino
# 02 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino new nhttpd format
# 03 display Smartcard messages in Enigma
# mypass (use user=root and pass=mypass for nhttpd)

O: { 03 } ipdream user=root pass=paroladream

# Logger and NET-mode UDP port Init
# 00 do not init UDP port
# 01 Init UDP port for IP, port, UDP
L: { 00 } 2502

# demux, multicam/comport configuration
# *x ** ; x = device nummber to be used (0= default)
# D* ** ; force use of /proc/bus/gtx for cw write operations
(in the dbox2 the gbox writes directly the CW's, 00 is the
recommended mode ! No drivers are required) use D* ** ONLY if
you have Problems. 0* ** should be prefered !!!
# F* ** ; write CW's in both devices (used for PVR in STB04xxx devices)
# ** y* ; y=0001b (0x1*) use slot1 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
# ** y* ; y=0010b (0x2*) use slot2 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
# ** y* ; y=0011b (0x3*) use slot1 and slot2 as Multicams (only on STB04xxx)
# ** *z ; z=0001b (0x*1) use com1 as Multicam
# ** *z ; z=0010b (0x*2) use com2 as Multicam
# ** *z ; z=0011b (0x*3) use com1 and com2 as Multicams
# ** yz ; yz=00110011b (0x33) use slot1+slot2+com1+com2 as Multicams
# ** *z ; z=0100b (0x*4) invert CTS detection on com1
# ** *z ; z=1000b (0x*8) invert CTS detection on com2
# example: yz = 0x0A = 00001010 (use com2 with inverted CTS detection line)
V: { F0 10 }

# RS232 SSSP mode
# x debug messages, 1=on, 0=off
# y com port to use (0=none, 1=com1, 2=com2)
R: { 00 }

# =============================================================================
# extra options to override default seting in case you expirience Problems,
# normaly these setings are not required.
# cpu, api, cw write method
# 00 auto
# 01 80X86
# 02 MPC823
# 03 IBM STB04xxx
# 00 auto
# 01 ibm
# 02 api2
# 03 api3
# 00 cw write style = use internal routine (only dbox2)
# 01 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type1 (dbox2, vdr)
# 02 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type2
# 03 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type3
# 04 cw write style = 16 byte /proc/bus/gtx
# 05 cw write style = 4096 byte /proc/bus/gtx, cw offset=0x04D0
# xx write cw in 1st device with index=xx
# yy write cw in 2nd device with index=yy
# 01 means with .index=0 (default)
# 02 means with .index=1
# 03 means with .index=0 and .index=1
# .. any bitwise combination ...
# FF means with all 8 indexes (0-7)
#J: { 01 00 00 01 01 }

# Files, folders, devices
# folder/device comment
#F: { 01 } /var/tmp/pmt.tmp // pmt file
#F: { 02 } /var/tmp/emm.info // key update log file
#F: { 03 } /var/tmp/ecm.info // ecm info file
#F: { 04 } /var/tmp/atack.txt // atack info file
#F: { 11 } /var/keys // folder for config files
#F: { 12 } /var/tmp // folder for temporary file
#F: { 13 } /var/tmp // folder for keyfiles
#F: { 21 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0 // ca device
#F: { 22 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 // dvr device
#F: { 23 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 // demux device
#F: { 31 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca1 // second ca device to write cw's (reco***ng)
#F: { 41 } /dev/sci0 // STB04xxx slot1
#F: { 42 } /dev/sci1 // STB04xxx slot1
#F: { 43 } /dev/tts/0 // rs232 com1
#F: { 44 } /dev/tts/1 // rs232 com2

# For overclocking freaks, Clocking internal STB04xxx slots with:
# 1=7.80MHz 2=6.30MHz 3=5.25MHz 4=4.50MHz 5=3.94MHz 6=3.50MHz 7=3.15MHz
# Irdeto works fine on 7.8MHz, all other fine on 6.30MHz or 5.25MHz
# The Dream has not a clean clock signal, some cards that are sensitive will
# refuse to work even on 3.5MHz, thats why 3.15MHz is the default value there.
# On other STB04xxx recievers the same cards work with 6.30MHz
#F: { 51 } 02 // irdeto
#F: { 52 } 03 // seca
#F: { 53 } 03 // viaccess
#F: { 54 } 03 // nagra
#F: { 55 } 03 // crypto
#F: { 57 } 03 // conax
#F: { 58 } 03 // nds

# force a name change of the season or sssp rs232 device
#F: { 45 } /dev/ttyS1

# set stay alive ping time in seconds (default is 300)
#F: { A0 } 300

# disable direct serial port I/O access on 80x86cpus (win and linux)
# direct port i/o is used to set unusual Baudrates, if you want to
# a 3.579MHz card in a 6.000MHz reader etc ...
# Enabled (A1=0) is the default setting, has always been !!!
# Disable (set to 1) it ONLY if you have problems with ioperm or you want
# to use a usb-to-rs232 smartcard reader
#F: { A1 } 0

25-08-08, 18:11

# EMM messages
# 00 don't show any EMMs (default)
# 01 show only valid EMMs
# 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display
M: { 01 }

# ECM messages
# 00 don't show anything about ecm
# 01 normal mode, show pids processed, decoded ecm and cw
# 02 verbose mode, show valid and bad ECMs with data
C: { 02 }

# AU
# 00 disable, no emm pids processed
# 01 enable, emm pids always processed for soft-au and shared cards
# 02 auto, emm started only if channel cant be decoded
# 03 process emm pids for network cards update only
A: { 00 }

# key update (sum 01 or 02 with 04)
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
# 04 enable TPS au
U: { 05 }

# config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority)
# 00 files in /var/keys
# 01 files in /tmp
T: { 00 }

# network mode, use summ for several clients
# 00 no network (default)
# 01 newcamd netclient
# 02 radegast netclient
# 04 camd3 netclient
# 08 gbox netclient
G: { 08 }

# network retry, use summ for several options
# 00 disable
# 01 retry every new ecm
# 02 try to connect to offline shares every Q: seconds
# 04 try to detect and fast reconnect to lost (and not used atm) server
# + XX messages number and YY seconds to reconnect
# mg will reconnect to server, if no answer to last XX ecm/keepalive or
# if no answer for last ecm or keepalive sent for YY seconds
# set to 0 to disable
N: { 07 } 5 30

# network ecm timeout in seconds
K: { 05 }

# newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec
Q: { 600 }

# network shares priority
# 00 gbox, newcamd, radegast, camd3 (default)
# 01 camd3, radegast, newcamd, gbox
# 02 newcamd, camd3, gbox, radegast
P: { 02 }

# on screen display type
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 neutrino
# 02 enigma
# 03 relook
# + user password for http auth
O: { 00 } root delbuccio(dreambox_default)

# on screen display Options, summ of:
# 01 show emu ecm
# 02 show network shares messages
# 04 show decoding failed / fta
# 08 show emm keys update
# + web port to use for osd
S: { 03 } 80

# Log option, summ of:
# 00 off
# 01 network udp log
# 02 log to console
# 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd
# + IP udp-port log-file-name
L: { 03 } ipdream 28007 /tmp/mgcamd.log

# keep ecm cache, seconds
# every cache entry takes 28 bytes, so 24h cache will take *only* 240-400kb of memory,
# for openbox/elanvision users with remote shares make sense to set it higher than default value,
# to not hammer cards while timeshifting or playing crypted reco***ngs.
E: { 15 }

# cache option, summ of:
# 00 Off (default)
# 01 Ecm pids cache, store pids used to decode in /tmp/ca_cache.list at exit, load at startup, same syntax as restore.list
# 02 Ecm data cache, remember CW for (E:) time
# 04 Emm cache for network cards, do not resend the same emm twice, cache not cleared until restart
H: { 07 }

# reread files, summ of:
# 00 No (default)
# 01 reread config file on channel change (including priority and ignore, but not replace/cache)
# 02 reread SoftCam.Key on channel change
# 04 reread SoftCam.Key if file changed
R: { 04 }

# debug, summ of
# 00 off (default)
# 01 debug ecm
# 02 debug emm
# 04 debug network ecm
# 08 debug network emm
# 16 debug network login
# 32 show mem/cpu stats every 1 min
# 64 add timestamp to log messages
D: { 00 }

# box type
# 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.
# 01 dbox2
# 02 dreambox
# 03 triple-dragon
# 04 relook
# 05 openbox
B: { 02 }

25-08-08, 18:18

# sample peer.cfg for gbox client in mgcamd
# syntax the same as in cwshare.cfg,
# you can just copy cwshare.cfg to this file.
# see below for supported tags, others not supported (yet).

# max cards to send ecm too + preffered cards ids (up to 32)
X: { 05 } 1234 ABCD

# max card's distance to use for ecm
I: ( 05 }

# resend after 2 seconds, re-sync (send to all) after 3 seconds
N: { 0 0 0 0 2000 4000 }
# same, but for NDS cards
S: { 0 0 0 0 2000 4000 }

# my host and password
M: { ipdream { parolapeervirtual }}

# peers, unlimited number, but only up to 32 unique ports to listen
# host, port to listen, remote port, password, levels (ignored)
D: { ipdream { 2500 gboxport { parolagbox { A5 A5 }}}}
#D: { ipdream { gboxport 2500 { parolapeervirtual { A5 A5 }}}} # de pus in var/keys/cwshare

# ignore ids
#Y: { 01 02 }
#Y: { 02 03 }

# always save ids
#G: { 03 04 }
#G: { 04 05 }

# virtual cards

V: { 02 { 18 01 20 11 }} # Digi(1W)