View Full Version : Butoane de Thanks, Like si Dislike

28-02-12, 21:56
Acum puteti sa multumiti, sa dati Like sau Dislike la posturile userilor.
O puteti face accesand butoanele din partea stanga de sub fiecare post.

De asemenea fiecare user are o statistica la Profil precum si notificari automate.

Folositi-le ca atare, nu le folositi pentru alte scopuri, cum ar fi confirmarea ca ati citit postul, sau in scopuri rautacioase ori pentru a va razbuna pe anumiti useri!

Statisticile vechi de la Thanks nu le-am putut recupera, deci incepem de la zero.



Now you can Thank, Like or Dislike the user's posts.
You can do that by clicking the buttons on the left, below each post.

Also, each user has a statistic in the Profile section and automatic notifications.

Use them as such, do not use for other purposes, such as confirmation that you have read the post, or malicious purposes or to take revenge on some users!

I could not recover the old Thanks statistics so we start from scratch.
