View Full Version : Favorites Chanels

04-06-11, 13:50
Is it possible to have more then one favorites list?
I mean one for me, one for kids etc

04-06-11, 14:29
Yes ! each Favorites list can be named ! The simple way is to use DreamboxEdit from I-have-a-dreambox ... wich
helps you to fetch the channel list from Alien ...to edit it building as many favotites you want and to send it back
to Alien.

04-06-11, 14:59
Rename is not a problem, I simply couldnt find a way to create in Spark and new favorite list.
Is there a way to create witjout external programs ?

05-06-11, 12:13
Yes ! each Favorites list can be named ! The simple way is to use DreamboxEdit from I-have-a-dreambox ... wich
helps you to fetch the channel list from Alien ...to edit it building as many favotites you want and to send it back
to Alien.

BTW I meant Favorites in SPARK not in Enigma, DreamboxEdit works on Spark too ?

05-06-11, 14:19
Sorry ! my mistake ! ... I've thougt I'm answering for Enigma !
The FAV is a generic name witch has 10 groups ..FAV1 to FAV10 ...you can create FAV1 for you
and FAV2 for your children !

05-06-11, 14:22
Sorry ! my mistake !

So you mean that there is no way to have more then one favorite list in SPARK ?

You know its very comfortable to have a few lists, one for wife one for kisds etc

05-06-11, 14:37
Pay atention ...FAV is a category ..it means "favorites lists" ...there you can have
10 different lists ..one for you one for your wife ...one for the kids and so on ... 10
different lists !!! you can put 120 chanell in FAV and from those ...first 30 is your
favorite list FAV1 .. then next you can take the same 30 and next20 and put them
in FAV2 ...and so on !
At the beggining all favorites are in FAV1 ..then using "yelow" = propriety ...you can
assign each chanel to a different FAVn !!!

05-06-11, 14:56
What I was looking for is this ""yelow" = propriety" :)
I sow that in general there must be a way to have more then one but I simply couldn't find a way to create more then one list.

I will try this later when I will get back home

Thank you very much

05-06-11, 19:34
I'm sorry, but I still could not find where to create second FAV List
I went to "Organizing Favorites" and I was only beed able to rename the default FAV list and add and remove chanels from it. Unfortunatly I had no way to create a second FAV list :(
I also found no way to use the Yellow key :(
I also tried to go to FAV button and unfortunaly there I could only navigate between ALL and my first and only FAV list

I tryed to add 35 chanels to the FAV list and they were still all in the first and only FAV list

05-06-11, 19:49
Make like this !

- OK ( channel list) - LEFT - LEFT - select FAV - RIGHT ( FAV1 ) - RIGHT ( into the global FAV channel list ) - up/dwn to select a channel
then ....YELLOW ...choose FAV and OK - then up/dwn from FAV1 to FAV10 ... and OK !!!

- now int the selected FAVn ...you will find the selected channel from global FAV list !!!

This way you can distribute the chanells from FAV ( FAV1) into a chosen FAVn ( from Fav2 to Fav10) !!!

05-06-11, 19:52
Thanks as I suspected this was my mistake.
I never used the "OK" option :) I always used FAV or EPG and I was trying to sort all FAV in the "Organizing Favorites"

I think that for simple users like me putting this option to "Organizing Favorites" will make more sence

BTW in order to change the names of FAV2 ... i had to use a trick, "Organizing Favorites" dosnt see FAV2 even after I add chanels to it so in the "OK" menu I moved FAV2 to the first place in the favorites list and this way I could see and rename it in "Organizing Favorites"

Make like this !

- OK ( channel list) - LEFT - LEFT - select FAV - RIGHT ( FAV1 ) - RIGHT ( into the global FAV list ) - up/dwnd to select a channel
then ....YELLOW ...choose FAV - then up/dwn from FAV1 to FAV10 ... and OK !!!