View Full Version : Pkt SVN-465 git-1037

01-06-10, 20:33

Enigma2 OpenSource SH4 Duckbox Project GIT-1037 PKT mod SVN-465 New
Generation V2 Image

Image is designed for installation on the flash drive or hard disk SATA

Changes Duckbox Team:

- set policy in tuxtxt

- fix avi/fastforward memoryleak in libeplayer2

- Added Freesat-EPG support for full UK-EPG on 28.2

- add record file splitting

- fix tuxtxt hang workaround

- add tool for ipc shm

- change tuxtxt stopFB from killall to ipc shm

- add shm entry for stop deleting epg.dat on boot

- enable unicable support

- fix .ts seekable problem

- add more bufferspace to streamproxy, fix epg

- add check 50MB free space for epg for dynamic epg paths

- add SlowMotion to libeplayer2

- optimize FastBackward Code

- fix set resolution hang

- add frontpanel buttons: menu, exit, v-format, options, power

Changes PKT Team :

- Update to version 2010-05-17 enigmy2

- Updated Polish translating

- Added Russian translation by t ³ Xronon

- Added OpenDNS

- Added menu for Cam Routing

- Added restart the emu wyjœciu uœpienia default, the mode switched.

- Switched default, the plugin czono autoresolution

- Added support for Wi-Fi USB chip. Ralink RT3070/2870

- Changed the network boot system (zostaæ should resolve the problems
associated with setting all the networks in the Enigma, the network
should send operate regardless of
the parameters in the U-boat)

- Added Wi-Fi Menu: BP-> Settings-> Wi-Fi Setup

- Added detection of memory in possession UFS910 64 | 128MB

- Added the choice of font
BP-> Settings-> Fonts Select default, the: PL

- List of wi-fi adapters in your wlan_adapter_list

01-06-10, 21:40
are menu in romana.....

02-06-10, 00:24
E o completare la cele de mai sus, cu referire la faptul ca are si meniurile in limba romana sau e o intrebare pe aceeasi tema?

Eu m-am uitat putin peste imaginea lor si nu am gasit in subdirectorul PO romana.

Oricum, eram curios in cazul in care au inclus in imagine si limba noastra, daca e o traducere corecta, sau cea cu grave dezacorduri si cu formulari neinspirate...

Mai studiem. Pentru cine isi propune si doreste meniurile in limba romana pentru Enigma2 nu e nici o problema, se rezolva, cu mare placere.

02-06-10, 00:53
Freesat UK epg how do you get it too work ?

Can CrossEPG be installed ?