View Full Version : Sectiunea SHOPPING / SHOPPING Section

15-03-10, 12:22
Incepand de azi anunturile la sectiunea SHOPPING se pot actualiza la interval de minim 3 zile.
Incalcarea acestei reguli va duce la aplicarea masurilor in mod drastic: prima abatere avertisment, a doua ban 7 zile si de la a 3-a ban mult mai serios, in functie de caz = o luna, doua sau chiar permanent.
Bineinteles posturile in cauza vor fi sterse fara discutie.

Restul regulilor privind aceasta sectiune raman valabile

From now on you can update your posts, within the Shopping section, at only 3 days interval.
Brake this rule and you will be severely punished: 1st one = warning, 2nd one = 7 days ban and then one or two months ban or maybe permanent ban. Of course, those posts will be deleted without dispute.

The other section's rules remain valid.