View Full Version : A aparut Enigma 2 Nightly Build: 0.9.0 version

05-03-10, 19:22
Originariamente inviata da ReadMe
release 0.9.0
- migrated to STLinux 2.3
- fixed DVDPlayer crashes with HD skins
- fixed DVDPlayer menus viewing
- fixed many other memory leak bugs
- added a patch on kernel to prevent from old wrong bootargs with bigphysarea param inside (thanks to skaman)
- updated cs language
- updated persian language
- added dropbear (similar to openssh, to start it add into rcS_user.sh the command "/etc/init.d/dropbear start" and the daemon will start)
- fixed epg bug

If you have any kind of problem on setting the time you can force the time update by typing in telnet console the following command:

date -s 2000.01.01-00:00:00

After sent the command you have to made a full reboot, then you will get the time updated after 2/3 minutes on the first channel tuned.

Enjoy it! Tideglo

05-03-10, 19:37
Atentie este un bug.

Probabil miine rezolvarea.

Sursa: forum Sifteam


05-03-10, 20:02
Tomorrow i will fix it, if you want you can test this version but remember that exists a bug on it.

06-03-10, 16:53
A reparat repede bug-ul din 0.9.0, asa cum a promis.