View Full Version : mgcamd 1.35

20-01-10, 23:54
anyone want to test?

21-01-10, 00:25

via 2.6 with keys working Art, JSC, BIS

21-01-10, 02:43
Download from RSP panel.

21-01-10, 11:34

i am trying new mgcamd 1.35 in neutrino rsp image but not working

i replaced existing mgcamd file with this new one, renamed it and this is what i get

STAPI buffer allocate error 0
STAPI descrambler allocate error 0
STAPI buffer allocate error 0
STAPI descrambler allocate error 0
STAPI buffer allocate error 0
STAPI descrambler allocate error 164
STAPI buffer allocate error 0
STAPI descrambler allocate error 164
STAPI pid slot query error 220 pid 6a
STAPI descrambler error 6 pid 6a slot 0 fd -1
STAPI pid slot query error 220 pid 6a
STAPI pid slot query error 220 pid 69
STAPI descrambler error 6 pid 69 slot 0 fd -1
STAPI pid slot query error 220 pid 69
STAPI buffer allocate error 0
STAPI descrambler allocate error 69
STAPI buffer allocate error 0
STAPI descrambler allocate error 69

what could be problem?

21-01-10, 11:45

# box type
# 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.
# 01 dbox2
# 02 dreambox
# 03 triple-dragon
# 04 relook
# 05 openbox
# 11 kathy e2
# 12 Fortis
B: { 11 }

21-01-10, 11:53
thanks zildan

now working


[cccamd] Card remove from (000003DB)
[cccamd] Card remove from (000001B2)
[cccamd] Card remove from (000001B3)
[cccamd] Card remove from (000001B6)

this is my config

# box type
# 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.
# 01 dbox2
# 02 dreambox
# 03 triple-dragon
# 04 relook
# 05 openbox
# 06 dreambox/mips
# 08 stapi/kathrein
# 09 stapi/ipbox
# 11 stapi/openbox
B: { 11 }

# network mode, use summ for several clients
# 00 no network (default)
# 01 newcamd netclient
# 02 radegast netclient
# 04 camd3 netclient
# 08 gbox netclient
# 32 cccamd netclient, card list saved as /tmp/cccamd.info
# (ECM only, supported server version up to 2.1.1, later not work)
G: { 32 }

is this ok?

all working now

21-01-10, 13:00
Super !

[mg0] <- CW from cccamd (479ms)
[mg0] 479 msec -- Thu Jan 21 12:03:56 2010
===== Seca ECM on CaID 0x0100, pid 0x1587 ======
prov: 003315
cw0:0 89 7D 80 86 E8 57 0C 4B
cw1:0 E1 24 56 5B C5 1C C3 A4

with CCcamd.list

21-01-10, 13:05

Te rog pune configuratie pt conecatarea mgcamd client la server cccam, sept by step.


21-01-10, 13:32
@dreanew is not from Romania,I think he does't understand.:)

21-01-10, 13:57
Client de cccam nu e mai bun decat incubus.
Raman la parerea ca cel mai bun client-server de sharing este Mbox 6 !

21-01-10, 14:38

Te rog pune configuratie pt conecatarea mgcamd client la server cccam, sept by step.


# network mode, use summ for several clients
# 00 no network (default)
# 01 newcamd netclient
# 02 radegast netclient
# 04 camd3 netclient
# 08 gbox netclient
# 32 cccamd netclient, card list saved as /tmp/cccamd.info
# (ECM only, supported server version up to 2.1.1, later not work)
G: { 32 } or { 33 } or { 41 } .....


C: 12000 user1 pass1

21-01-10, 20:39
I cannot get any channels to open. Is ART on 13e open? do you need new softcam file?

21-01-10, 22:11
In RSP list: BIS (19.2E), Arabesque (13E ) .....

21-01-10, 22:58
Rule 12

working with Neutrino but not RSP E2 image, weird.

22-01-10, 10:30
Pe 16 E deschide ceva?

22-01-10, 15:02
I've allready did it ! on IPBOX 910 with SIF E2 075 and it works ! look on that section of the forum ...

- working fine
- fast connect
- fast zapping
- poor stability !!!

25-01-10, 11:24
[Raspuns pt. alexsan78 (http://sateliti.info/member.php?u=11192), din alt thread]

daca inteleg bine mgcam functioneaza ca si incubusul pe linii de cccam. daca da cum pot configura mgcam conf pe cccam?

Incepator si eu, mie mi-a mers asa: intai am facut un backup la fisierele de configurare si am dezinstalat versiunea veche, apoi am descarcat din RSP menu versiunea noua si fisierele de configurare in /var/keys. In cccamd.list am scris liniile de client CCCAM, iar in mg_cfg am setat G: {33}, adica sa fie client de newcamd si cccam.

Acum plusez si eu o intrebare: mgcamd 1.35 mai foloseste fisierul SoftCam? Si daca da, cum ii spun sa aiba prioritate fata de cccam?

25-01-10, 15:46
hi zildan
i am using AAF Weihnachtsimage UFS910 Flash and i am need install mgcamd 1.35
i have a question please.
1- can you help my to install this emu manually to this image?

thank you

25-01-10, 17:57
cu cccamd list am rezolvato da cu mgcamd conf nu

poate un exemplu vizual ar ajuta ms

25-01-10, 18:31
Ca sa nu postez aici tot fisierul mg_cfg, ca e destul de lung, ce anume nu-ti iese? Eu am folosit fisierul mg_cfg pe care il aveam deja, cred ca e cel descarcat automat din meniul RSP de la versiunea precedenta de mgcamd. Vezi si comentariul #6 a lui Zildan de mai sus.

26-01-10, 16:09
Mgcamd 1.35a * Fix some EMM issues

26-01-10, 16:26
No sh40 version!

26-01-10, 23:14
hi zildan
i am using AAF Weihnachtsimage UFS910 Flash and i am need install mgcamd 1.35
i have a question please.
1- can you help my to install this emu manually to this image?

thank you

It's RSP Support-Site :lol:

27-01-10, 20:44
hi zildan
i am using AAF Weihnachtsimage UFS910 Flash and i am need install mgcamd 1.35
i have a question please.
1- can you help my to install this emu manually to this image?

thank you

On the AAF img download mgcamd (whatever version) from the download manager. Then replace the mgcamd and mgconf file with those from the mgcamd 1.35 (make sure you use the same name as the installed and overwrite it). Then add cccam list in the keys folder with your lines.Thats it , run mgcamd from softcam panel.
Anyway i have both AAF and RSP on ba , and rsp is better.

31-01-10, 11:18

Am testat mg 135a, merge f bine cu key sau client newcs.

M-a interesat personal, legarea la server cccam. Totul merge ok pana la cardurile N3..sau impachetate gen D+ HD, Premiere si HD+, care nu se deschid..

cred ca trebuie niste map-uri.. am vaz in mg_cfg
# map all 180x nagra caids to 1801
# default is 01
F: { 01 }

ceva de genul, dar unde se pun??.. la incubus sunt in *.conf
1833:1702:000000:0080 #History HD
1833:1702:000000:0081 #Sky Sport HD
1833:1702:000000:0082 #Discovery HD
1833:1702:000000:0083 #Sky Cinema HD
1833:1702:000000:0084 #EuroSport HD
1833:1702:000000:007E #Disney Cinemagic HD
1833:1702:000000:007F #National Geography HD

06-02-10, 13:02
Just change in the mg_cfg from

F: { 01 }


F: { 00 }

and Premiere HD will work perfectly =)

Good luck with the testing!

06-02-10, 15:05
Am instalat shi eu azi acest MgCamd 1.35 pe Kathy pentru anumite teste, shi minune, fara sa pun nimic, doar cu ce am descarcat, deschide de pe 13 E multe canale, cum se intampla asta. Cand dau la Info scrie emu Mgcam, ma intereseaza cum lucreaza, de unde ia chei sau ce ia el? :cool2:

06-02-10, 18:02
Versiunea 1.35 este si emu de via 2.6 si are cheile in executabil.Am mai intilnit si la primele emulatoare de conax.


06-02-10, 23:39
Imi apar din cand in cand intreruperi - cel putin pe canalele de film de la nordici, unde mai apuc sa ma uit. Merge OK cam 15 min., dupa care se intrerupe pentru 30 sec. sau mai mult si apoi tot merge cu hopuri. Daca schimb canalul si revin, se stabilizeaza o perioada, apoi o ia iar de la capat. Aceleasi linii cccam merg OK in incubus.

E o problema cunoscuta, vreun parametru pe care ar trebui sa-l ajustez?

09-02-10, 19:48
Eu am acelas problema... dupa 15 minute se intrerupe si se conecteaza din nou dar se intrerupe sistematic din 15 in 15 secunde

09-02-10, 20:13
Asa face cccam2.1.3, trebuie sa schimbi versiunea de cccam de pe server sau sa renunti la el.

09-02-10, 20:33
Dupa cum spuneam, aceleasi linii merg OK in Incubus. Si oricum altele nu am :)

10-02-10, 20:06
Nu merge din pacate cu nici o versiune ... nici 2.0.11. si nici 2.1.4 ...... dupa 15 minute se blocheaza si sistemat nu mai merge

10-02-10, 22:13
Ma poate ajuta si pe mine cineva?
Am inteles ca acum vers 1.35-1.35a de mg, poate sa se conecteze la cccam ca si client (cea ce am si reusit) dar am mai inteles ca e capabila sa deschida si pachetul via de la tvr. La mine treaba asta nu o face nici cum. Permanent imi da eroarea : "No supported encryption system found". Oare dece!
Imi poate spune si mie unde gresesc?

11-02-10, 06:52
Cuplat cu NewCS ca server de card ... MgCamd poate deschide cardul TVR ! dar din cate stiu eu ... merge si in sharing cu card TVR ... numai sa-l ai pe vre-un server !

27-05-10, 01:21
ello.are cineva idee de ce primesc la magcamd eroarea asta:

[mg0] namespace E063140 t-id 7 on-id 1
[mg0] descramble on 1, source 0
CA_SET_PID error 22: Invalid argument
CA_SET_PID error 22: Invalid argument
CA_SET_PID error 22: Invalid argument

cand setez pe anumite canale? bineinteles ca, acele canale nu se deschid :(

acelasi canale, cu incubus merg ca unse.

danke schon.

28-05-10, 01:02
gata, am rezolvat:) multumesc tuturor de ajutor:)

30-05-10, 22:42
are cineva vreun exemplu de prio (concret) pentru mgcamd? daca da, se poate sa arunc si eu o provire?

any ideeas anyone cum setez mgcamd-ul sa nu mai foloseasca emu?


31-05-10, 09:19
sterge key-le din softcam ...sau chiar softcam-ul.