View Full Version : Mbox Manager

03-07-09, 23:40
Mbox Manager is another software which you can manage all your mbox data like peers, cards, providers, etc. This application for running needs Microsoft .Net Framework.

Mbox Manager 1.0 (2009.07.03)

Base features:
- Create one or more profiles for diffrent boxes, with autoload the default profile;
- Tables with your peers, cards and providers;
- Logging your MBox and NewCS activity;
- Edit Mbox's config files from your box;
- Build add.data file and send for execution;
- Control your mbox: Start, Stop and Restart;
- Data refresh; download temp files with the statistics from box and save history;
Some of the base functions are inspired from MCC (Mbox Control Center)

Other features:
- Peers aditional information: favorite ranking (betweeb 0 and 5), write comment, e-mail address, forum accounts for contact, percentage of our online status and local existence;
- WatchDog function at MBOX Log; everytime when you receive a CW for you, this will be write from which peer came, distance, boxid and the response time in miliseconds;
- Create graphical representation of your saved history;
- Update checking on startup: for new Mbox Manager versions and/or for new Mbox versions (you can enable or disable in settings);
- Every base page and Refresh button have a shortcut-key for faster navigation;


Cateva functii lipsesc fata de fratele sau MCC, totusi prezinta cateva facilitati noi precum cum ar fi:
- statistici despre peer (procentajul prezentelor), cu care putem vedea cat % peer-ul este online si % a avut local cand a fost online (aceste valori sunt doar orientative, calculele facundu-se din istoria salvata)
- la fiecare "refresh" de informatie se salveaza o asa numita istorie, care daca se aduna se poate reprezenta grafic evolutia anumitor parametri
- se poate da "nota" pt peer (de la 0 la 5, initial e 0), ajuta atunci cand dorim sa facem curat (uneori se intampla)
- salvarea unor comentarii pt un peer (de ex. daca a anuntat ca va fi offline 20 zile putem salva acest lucru si nu vom uita)
- salvarea datelor de contact: e-mail si/sau conturi pe diverse forumuri specificand user+adresa web
- in caz ca este setata optiunea, la pornirea programului se verifica daca a aparut o noua versiune de mbox sau de manager, ele putand fi descarcate direct din program (salvarea se face in directorul "downloads")
- oriunde am fi in program putem vedea de la cine si in cat timp a sosit CW-ul nostru, in caz ca logarea mbox si watchdog sunt activate

In prim pas e nevoie de crearea unui profil si recomandat puternic salvarea acestuia pentru a nu mai rescrie la fiecare pornire. Bifand "default" profilul se va activa automat la pornire.

Testat pe XP cu DM800 si partial pe Win7 cu DM500.
Sper sa mearga si cu alte configuratii... :)
Numa' bine!

04-07-09, 12:30
Multumim mult ptr efortul depus. F. utile facilitatile. La mai mare:drinks:

05-07-09, 00:10
Eu iti multumesc tie Gelule, pentru rabdarea acordata la teste :drinks:

06-07-09, 00:43
Mbox Manager 1.01 (2009.07.05)

- Show values on history graphic, when the mouse moving over the graphic's zone
- Some small fixes


For update just overwrite the files. :)

06-07-09, 11:47
La versiunea noua cand intru la NewcsLog si dau Start programul crapa.
E facut dupa un program de la cccam?Tu l-ai modificat?
Am si doua linii C din newcamd care nu apar la peers,e adevarat ca avand aceeasi adresa dns la pornirea programului imi spune ca apar ca duplicate si le ignora.

PS: Pare totusi mai vechi,la add.data sunt linii de la mbox 0,4 care acum nu mai sunt in cwshare.

06-07-09, 12:23
Stimate Zmeura,
nu este copiat, nici modificat si nicidecum dupa cccam. Niciodata nu l-am vazut in functiune, precum am scris si in descriere (cea in limba engleza, care stiu ca nu e tocmai corect scris gramatical, dar sper ca se intelege cat de cat) functiile de baza sunt inspirate (nu copiate) vizual din Mbox Control Center. Programul a fost scris de la zero (cu scop experimental) si e prima aplicatie pe care am scris in C#, deci pot fi anumite probleme din pacate...
In ceea ce priveste despre liniile C, adevarat ca eu am doar o singura linie, am putut testa doar dupa ceea ce am eu, am sa ma uit sa vad ce se poate face in cazul a mai multor linii. Multumesc.

Numa' bine! :)

06-07-09, 12:27
Apropo, add.data...
Poi acolo nu stiu ce e activ, ce nu e... eu m-am luat dupa exemplul dat in pachetul mbox (ultima versiune). Odata cu modificarea acestuia acolo, se va putea schimba si aici.

06-07-09, 15:23
Eu intrebam ca nu stiam de ce are CCcam.channelinfo in settings,nu era o acuzatie sau ceva.In newcs pentru a imi afisa numele programului trebuie sa editez in cccam.channelinfo toate liniile 1801:002111 cu 1801:000000 deoarece mie asa mi-l detecteaza newcs-ul,dar asta e la mine,nu stiu la alt tip de card.Acum am vazut si la MCC ca de fapt este lista de la cccam,dar cu lista lui imi afiseaza bine,cu toate ca si acolo e trecut 1801:002111.Probabil a setat sa citeasca doar provid si sa nu ma ia in seama si caid.
Legat de detectarea liniilor cu aceeasi adresa dns mie imi spune "Incorect line in share.info file: (duplicate card_id)" si nu imi mai afiseaza nici una dintre linii,nici online nici offline.
Nu stiu legat de ce se intampla cu ultima versiune,de ce nu pot intra la NewCS Log.Astept,poate confirma sau infirma cineva problema.

06-07-09, 15:56
Dap... cccam channel info, e doar pentru NewCS Log ca sa arate numele canalului cu care tocmai lucreaza. Din pacate nu am toate cartelele in local si nu pot testa fiecare situatie. Pot modifica doar in cazul in care primesc raspunsuri, si iti multumesc pt informatii. :)

10-07-09, 00:06
Mbox Manager 1.1 (2009.07.09)

- Added Messages. From now you can send (receive) messages to (from) your peers who is using Mbox Manager (other aplications are not compatible). If the sent message is not received in 15 days, the message will be lost
- NewCS Log fix for older .Net Framework
- More C lines error fixed
Update server moved, older versions will not find the new versions, only this one.


12-07-09, 14:29
Mbox Manager 1.11 (2009.07.12)

- Fixes at Messages
- Main Menu icons


15-07-09, 02:17
Mbox Manager 1.2 (2009.07.15)

- Added "Card not Found" alert function (option->settings->card alert): if you insert cards in this list, when you refresh the information, application will be alert you if one or more of these cards not found (recommended for your own/local cards)
- Added search in config files


18-07-09, 00:59
Mbox Manager 1.3 (2009.07.17)

- New parameter on Profiles: Type (local windows or remote linux)
- Added Mbox for Windows support (for pc-dvb cards like SkyStar). For old saved profiles, only need is to select the profile type.
- For windows profile type, add NewCS Control (start, restart, stop)
- Some new provider logo
Some people ask "Why the application connect to the webserver". Simple, it is for update checking. If you don't want to use this feature, disable from options and check manually when you wish (Actions->Check for Updates).


25-07-09, 01:01
Mbox Manager 1.4 (2009.07.24)

- Added Card Search (actions menu)
- DoubleClick on Status Table jump to Peer's Page
- Updated CCcam.channelinfo file (July 2009) - used by NewCS Log
- Added Timeline and Remove on History Graphics


18-08-09, 00:06
Mbox Manager 1.5 (2009.08.17)

- Added new Page (Web/Network). Include a small FTP Client, Remote Status function and Homepage.
- FTP Client: download, upload, create or delete files and folders, rename and change attributes.
- Remote Status: This function can send your status in 4 types: E-mail, Account, Local and Online Web Server. If you want to see what will send, press the "Create Test Message" button.
- Homepage: Show the Mbox Manager's Homepage. The account is only for remote status (at account type).
- Some small fixes


20-08-09, 09:07
eu nu am resit sa-l folosesc, si sincer nu stiu ce gresesc. am windows vista (sp2, dar nici cand era sp1 nu a mers) am incercat si sa-l pornesc ca si administrator... fac toate setarile, iar cand ii spun activate settings, intepeneste, not responding, si asa ramane pana il omor eu. :comp:

20-08-09, 09:45
Imi spui te rog ce tip de receptor folosesti?

20-08-09, 10:55
Banuiesc ca foloseste Kathrein! Cum ti-am spus si eu in PM, nu functioneaza pe Kathrein.
Poate reusesti sa-l faci compatibil, ar fi fain! ;)

20-08-09, 11:19
Neavand Kathy, nu pot testa decat cu ajutorul unor persoane care au, si care o sa aibe candva ceva timp pt cateva teste. Si poate se va gasi buba (dar nu e sigur sigur). La fel si cu AZBox. :)

21-08-09, 11:09
Imi spui te rog ce tip de receptor folosesti?

da intr-adevar, folosesc Kathrein UFS-910. daca zici ce si cum pot eu testa. :drinks:

21-08-09, 12:54
Testele pot fi prin Yahoo, daca ai.

22-08-09, 23:22
Mbox Manager 1.51 (2009.08.22)

- FTP Client fixes


25-08-09, 21:27
Mbox Manager 1.6 (2009.08.25)

- Profile activation fix for some boxes (tested on kathrein ufs-910)
- FTP Client fixes
- Some new Provider Icons


26-08-09, 17:55
Mbox Manager 1.61 (2009.08.26)

- Another profile activation fix
- Update description on "Check for updates"


Multumesc celor care m-au ajutat la teste!

01-09-09, 18:55
Mbox Manager 1.62 (2009.09.01)

- Save window position and size
- Added Reset Window on Option menu
- Some changes on Mbox Log and FTP Client

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/7515636/72ffc3dc/mbox_manager_162.html)

05-09-09, 00:14
Mbox Manager 1.63 (2009.09.04)

- Bugfix: reset config files when change the profile
- Added Compatible Box List in Help menu (users can read the current list and add new items)

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/7578226/11c7773c/mbox_manager_163.html)

05-09-09, 20:14
Mbox Manager 1.64 (2009.09.05)

- Profile activation fix for AzBox

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/7594699/90631a63/mbox_manager_164.html)

08-09-09, 00:15
Mbox Manager 1.7 (2009.09.07)

- Added Status-Table filter
- Added Mbox Log filter
- Added posibility of enable mbox Watchdog with stopped log
- Bugfix: reload custom config files when change or reactivate profile; added manual list reload button
- Fix text coloring at config files editor
- Added connection timeout when the web server not responding (10 seconds)
- Added some new provider icons

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/7641096/4d8b3d6d/mbox_manager_17.html)

10-09-09, 00:00
Mbox Manager 1.71 (2009.09.09)

- Profile activation fix for some images
- Changes on Mbox Log
- Changes on NewCS Log
I hope these log changes will resolve the execution crashing.

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/7685408/366a79a9/mbox_manager_171.html)

10-09-09, 23:25
Mbox Manager 1.72 (2009.09.10)

- Added autounzip after Mbox Manager update; new file added: settings\unzip.exe
- Bug fix: Profile activation for Kathrein

download (http://www.2shared.com/file/7708920/b1940f3/mbox_manager_172.html)

11-09-09, 17:39
Pentru PC e brici si asa , dar daca se poate face sa mearga in tray ar fi super.

11-09-09, 22:32
La urmatoarea versiune se va minimiza in tray.
Pe XP am testat si e OK, sper sa mearga si pe alte sisteme de operare bine.

12-09-09, 00:54
Mbox Manager 1.73 (2009.09.11)

- Added NewCS log auto-authentification for protected console
- Fixed newline on edit/view files at FTPClient
- Minimize to SystemTray
- Telnet port editable
- Telnet can be disabled (disable it only when the application crash on profile activation)
With disabled Telnet:
- the uploaded files will have the system default attribute
- can't remove folders and change attributes with FTPClient
- mbox control not work (start, stop, restart)

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/7732494/cf4554c6/mbox_manager_173.html)

13-09-09, 00:36
Mbox Manager 1.74 (2009.09.12)

- Bugfix: upload files fixed for AzBOX (include config files and add.data)
- Added Autorefresh information ( options > autorefresh )
- Increase ecm/pid values to 9

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/7755023/a74b7d6b/mbox_manager_174.html)

15-09-09, 00:42
Mbox Manager 1.75 (2009.09.14)

- Added SSH support (for PC servers); new file: settings\putty_ssh.exe
- Changes on NewCS Log colors
- Some changes on FTPClient

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/7802637/19d1f19d/mbox_manager_175.html)

23-09-09, 00:49
Mbox Manager 1.8 (2009.09.22)

- Added NewCS Status command (create html file)
- Added results counter on Card Search, showed on the title bar
- Distinct ecm/pid values for each profiles
(to save and use another value, not default, go to Status-Decode, change the ecm/pid value and press refresh button - right bottom corner)
- Mbox start fix with SSH
- Some small fixes

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/7980428/c2d459cc/mbox_manager_18.html)

02-10-09, 23:46
Mbox Manager 1.81 (2009.10.02)

- Added Peer Group (in Action menu): assign peers to groups (example: bad peer, good peer, friend, family)
- Added Status filter by peer group: show or hide peers from a group
More peers with same boxid can't be in different groups! (C lines)

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/8185657/336b0442/mbox_manager_181.html)

08-10-09, 02:27
Mbox Manager 1.82 (2009.10.08)

- Webserver Changed, the older webhosting was closed (atbhost.net)
- Updated cccam.channelinfo file (October 2009)
After update will work again all web functions: update checker, messages, remote status, compatible box.
All web data losts, for using remote status (with account) you will need to register again.
Sorry and thank you!

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/8288790/74861ea9/mbox_manager_182.html)

06-11-09, 23:53
Mbox Manager 1.9 (2009.11.06)

- Autorefresh position save
- Customizable default status filter
- Added Intruder Alert Table: count alerts when the mbox log is enabled (MBOX Log -> Intruder Alerts)
- Added Offline peer alert function (Options -> Settings -> Peer Alert)
Info: If this function is enabled, on data refresh will appear a list with your offile peers who are offline more than setted days. If you have some exception peers (don't want to alert you), add them to the ignore list (you can add/remove when the alert window is showed).

Download (http://www.2shared.com/file/8982782/86e95e63/mbox_manager_19.html)